My New Life

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**Time Lapse**

I was now six months pregnant. In wolf pregnancies that meant that I was due at anytime. I couldn't wait to actually meet the little pup. I decided not to find out what it was, because I wanted it to be a surprise. Luke has been here for the whole pregnancy. Our divorce went through and we were friends. I was friends with him but he wanted to be a family again. How could I trust him after that? My parents moved into my house to be with me. Everyday, I would have more contractions and more pains. The pack doctor was on standby ready for when pup decided to make his or her big entrance into the world. Luke had taken some days off of work to make sure he was there when pup was born. I was in the bed when the smell of my mom's cooking wafted through the air. I stood up quickly as fast as a pregnant woman could get, and waddled into the kitchen. My mom was standing over the kitchen cooking bacon and pancakes. My mouth salivated at the smell, and I immediately sat down and waited for the food to get done. I looked out of the window to see everything in bloom. It was definitely springtime. I rubbed my stomach as my mom placed my plate in front of me.

"How are you feeling?"

"Miserable. I can't wait to meet my little pup."

She laughed and patted my stomach.

"I can't wait to meet him or her too."

I finished eating and wobbled back to the bed. I got up and occasionally walked around. Walking helped the labor pains. It was around 12:30 am when I had this really bad pain. I got up to walk some more and had made it to the hallway when another pain came through. It was worse than the first one. I heard a tinkling noise it sounded like someone had left the water running. Who left the water running? I suddenly felt water going down my legs. My water broke. It's time. I walk slowly to my parents room and knock on the door.

"Mom? Dad?"

My dad was the first to answer. A horrible pain went through me and I had to squeeze the doorknob to stop myself from screaming.

"What honey?"

"My water broke."

It was quiet all of a sudden. Then, my dad started yelling.

"Layla! Wake up! Lucy's water broke!"

It took at few moments before my mom understood.

"Ohh baby. Come here! Aww it's time call the doctor."

The pack doctor was on her way and all I needed to do was call Luke. I quietly dialled his number and waited.


"Hey Luke it's Lucy. You need to get here."

"I'm on my way."

Everyone was on there way and all we had to do was wait.

After twenty-nine hour of labor, I finally gave birth to my pup. It was a little boy. We named him Jacob Mason. I was so proud of myself and my pup. He was everything. Luke held him and I watched lovingly. Luke and I might not get back together but we had a common denominator. Jacob was going to keep us strong and going.

My Cheating MateWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt