Luke's POV

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Jacob turned three months old today. My baby, my son. I stared out the window of my temporary home. I was stupid not to accept Lucy's and Murphy's offer. I would do anything to get next to her one more time. I knew Lucy wasn't my mate. She was too young and stupid to realise that it wasn't my scent. It was Murphy's. I wanted Lucy, because she held great power. She was one of the most powerful wolves in the world. She didn't even know it. Her scent was mouthwatering. I needed one more smell of it. I looked over at my pregnant mate and shook my head on disgust. I didn't want her I wanted Lucy. My pretty Lucy with the caramel complexion. Jenna was pale and white. Jenna was my mate. I lied about that, too. Anyway, Murphy was another one of the elite group of powerful werewolves, too. That meant if Lucy and Murphy mated they would emerge as the King and Queen of the werewolf world. I couldn't let that happen. It should've been me that us going to be crowned King. Not Murphy, he didn't deserve someone as sweet as Lucy. Another thing, Jacob isn't mine. I know what I did was wrong, but I had to do it. Lucy and I were going distant. We didn't have sex anymore and she hated for me to touch her. I needed something that was going to make her jump head first back into the relationship and be devoted to me again. A baby would do that. I remained distant and still stayed out. The only thing was, I couldn't conceive with Lucy. I could only reproduce with my mate. Lucy wasn't my mate. So I made a special trip to a another pack's doctor. It happened to be Murphy's pack. I paid the doctor a large amount of money to get some of Murphy's sperm. When he got it, I took it home and placed it in the back of the refrigerator. The night Jacob was conceived I didn't touch Lucy. I simply filled up the turkey baster and did the job. The next night I had sex with her. Neither one of us was into it and Lucy fell asleep while I was in action. I pulled out before I came. Then, a few weeks later she was constantly throwing up. I knew my plan had worked. Lucy tried to make it work, but I didn't love her. Nor did I love that baby. When, she first had it I pretended to love him. I took him over because I knew how powerful he would be. I even came to think of him as my child. He is my child. Not biologically but still I considered him my child.

"Luke come back to bed."

I turned and glared at Jenna. How dare she interrupt my thinking!

"No I'm not. Now shut up!"

She whimpered and turned over. Lucy never asked me to come to bed. Why couldn't she be more like Lucy? I sigh in annoyance and go back to staring. It isn't going to be long before they figure out that Jacob isn't mine. My whole plan has unraveled. I was going to use Lucy to take the place as King. Then, I was going to have her killed and have Jenna take her place. Lucy wasn't meant to be Queen. Neither, is Jenna but I have to settle for her. The throne is meant to be mine. I'll figure out a way to get it. I loved Lucy I really did. She just wasn't right for me. I need her to get my crown. I will figure it out in time.

Thanks guys for all the votes. I know it's been a while. Please vote and comment!! Thanks and I hope you enjoyed!!

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