The Pack

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  Lucy's POV

Today I was taking Jacob to meet the pack and see his father. I was so pissed that maybe I did overreact. No I didn't. Beside Luke needs to learn that we aren't together anymore. He also need to learn how to be more loyal to his friends. A little birdie *cough* his mother *cough* told me some important information. Apparently, Luke's affair had been going on for a while. Oh and the whore's pregnant. When I asked why hadn't I been told this she and his father had just found out. So that now means the whole pack knows. Oops. Now, Luke doesn't have to be considered alpha because he cheated and disrespected his Luna. Karma's a bitch right? I couldn't wait to see the pack again. I missed the women and the children. Especially the children they are gonna be so excited to see Jacob. I glance back at the car seat. I could see Jacob's curly hair peeking over. The pack house slowly came into view. It was a group of people standing outside. When I parked and got out I was instantly surrounded by pack members.

"Luna how are you?"

"Where's the baby Luna?"

"We missed you so much!"

The children gave me hugs and so did the women. I had never felt so loved in my life. I went to the back of the car to get Jacob but everyone bet me to it.

"Oh he's so beautiful Luna!"

"What's his name?" A little girl asked me. She had long brown ponytails and big green eyes. She quietly sucked on her thumb as she stared at me.


She was mixed, obviously. I was pulled aside by one if the women.

"What's wrong?"

"Her parents were killed by rogues a few days ago."

I look in horror at the little girl who couldn't have been no more than three.

"Has anyone took her in?"

"Not yet."

"Then she shall come home with me!" I declare. I couldn't imagine not having my own parents. Once everyone saw Jacob I picked him up and carried him to Luke's office.

"Lucy? What are you doing here?"

"I didn't think it was right to keep you out of my son's life. So I brought him over to visit."

Luke came over to coo at Jacob and play with him.

"So I'm taking the little girl home. What's her name?"

"Her name is Andrea but she goes by Andy."

I nod my head and look out the window.

It was getting dark and we had been here some over 5 hours.

"It's getting dark and I need to get him to sleep and Andy settled in."

"Ok when will I see Jacob again?"

"Anytime you want."

The same woman the told me about Andy got her packed up and ready for me. Before I left I had to ask Luke something.

"Do you have anything you want to tell me?"

Luke shook his head.

"No I don't."

"Nothing at all?"

"No why?"

"No reason. So you do know if a lie or a rumor gets around and I hear it I'm going to get pissed, right?"

He nervously gulped. He still shook his head. He couldn't even admit to it.

"Well goodbye."

He waves and I wave back. I get Jacob and we walk to the car with Andy.

"Are you ready to go to your new home?"

She nods enthusiastically and I laugh. He plays with Jacob's hand. Maybe my life wouldn't be absolutely horrible without Luke. I felt way better without him. I laugh and drive him.

We'll be just fine. My wolf agreed with me. We would.

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