Andy's New Home

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When I got home I grabbed Jacob and Andy and led her into the house.

"This is your new home Andy. Do you like it?"

She nods her head eagerly and sucks on her thumb. I put Jacob in his bouncer and turned it on. He laughed at the rotating toys and was lulled to sleep by the vibrations. He's such a good baby. I turned on the baby monitor and grabbed Andy's bag and took her to her new room. It was practically empty, because I had no use for that room.

"We'll go shopping tomorrow. What kind of theme do you want?"

She looked up at me with confusion.

"What's your favorite cartoon?"


"Hmm I like Spongebob too!"

I packed all her clothes in a drawer and got extra sheets for her. I looked at her room. This was the best we could do for now. We walked to the kitchen to get something to eat. I stopped to check on Jacob. He had traded his pacifier for his thumb and was sleeping happily. I kiss his head full of curls and Andy did the same. When we got to the kitchen I lifted Andy up on the stool.

"What would you like to eat?"

"Pizza!" Was her first reply. I giggled and looked in the refrigerator. I didn't have any pizza.

"I don't have any pizza."

She looked so sad. She didn't know what I was going to do.

"So we'll just have to order out!"

She laughs happily and I  grab my phone. I had the local pizza place on my speed dial. Sue me, I had very bad pregnancy cravings. I decided to order a little bit of everything. I ordered pizza, Chinese food, tacos, etc. It was too fun to see Andy try everything. I even found some mashed potatoes for Jacob. He happily ate his potatoes and it was just to cute. That night we all fell asleep on the couch watching The Spongebob Squarepants Movie. I loved being a single mom. But before I fell asleep Luke texted me. He wanted to meet me for lunch tomorrow. I agreed to go and I wondered if he would tell me the truth. I went to sleep thinking about that.

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