Murphy's Mate

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I felt so much better after my week of heat was over. Murphy and I mated each other. I wore his mark on my neck and he had mine. I loved going out in public with him. All the women would look at me enviously. I always wondered what happened to his mate. So one day I asked him. It was the day after we had sex and I could control my lust for the time being.



His hair was swept in every direction and his voice was filled with sleep.

"What happened to your mate?"

It was a pregnant pause. He took a deep breath before answering.

"Do you even know why Luke and I don't like each other?"

I thought about it for a minute. I didn't know why they didn't like each other. Luke never told me (no surprise there) and he never spoke of it again.

Then, he kissed me. It was a deep, passionate kiss that took my breath away. We didn't have any clothes on anyway. Our hands explored each other's body and soon we were having sex again. I felt satisfied once again, but why did he distract me?

"Murphy? What happened to your mate?"

He didn't answer. I could tell that he was procrastinating.

"Murphy tell me please."

I sit up and pull the sheet over me.

"Years ago I saw this beautiful girl in my school's hallway."

I waited for him to continue. I wondered so many questions. Like what did she look like? Was she prettier than me?

"She was so pretty and innocent. I waited for her to smell my scent, but she never did. This guy abruptly walked in front of her, he was a wolf and he brainwashed her into thinking that she was his mate."

I gasped in horror. Who would do such an evil thing?

"I waited for months for her to realise that he tricked her but she never did."

"One day she saw what a huge dick he was and left him. Not before she found out she was pregnant."

My mind is spinning with each new thing that he tell me. I wondered if she died and what happened to the baby.

"I hadn't seen her for years and the guy threatened to declare war if I ever came near her again."

"Murphy that's horrible. What happened to her?"

"She got lost one day and wandered into my land and I knew it was her. She hadn't changed when bit but she had kids."

"Oh my gosh Murphy. What happened to her eventually?"

"Well we are still together today."

Wait I'm confused. How is he still with her when I'm with him?

"What do you mean Murphy?"

Then, it started to hit me. Murphy did go to my school and his scent was so familiar. When I was with Luke I never felt wanted but with Murphy everything felt right. It took awhile for my wolf to get used to Murphy's but when they did it was like they knew each other for years. My wolf never got along with Luke's.

"Oh Murphy it was you the whole time!"

I happily jump in his arms. It took years for me to find him again. All because I was a pawn in Luke's evil game. He never loved me. I could understand that now but there was some things I didn't. Why did Luke pretend to be my mate for all these years? Why did he act like he loved me? Why did he ever do this?

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