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Chapter Song: Fix Me- Froy

I parked a decent amount away from Riley's just to risk my car not getting hit. It happened to Liam's this summer, and I was not taking my chances. Plus he'd never let me live it down. I strolled up the driveway and took note of how many cars were here.

By the look of it, I'd say there's a pretty good turn out. I decided to take my time and walk a little slower. It was a nice early fall night. The air had the slightest chill that made everything feel fresher. I could sit out here all night if I really wanted.

Riley's house was huge and there's even a barn in the back that her parents turned into a dance studio for her to practice in. I used to pretend I was going to a castle when we were younger. 

Each of our houses was in a different kingdom and we were long lost, sisters. One of us was kidnapped and the other had to free her. It usually depended on whose house we went to each time. I smiled at the distant memory wishing I could go back to those days instead.

I snuck in through the side kitchen door instead of the front knowing that she would leave it unlocked for me. She always did. For some reason, I loved that they had an entrance door to the kitchen. It was probably my favorite part of her house, as weird as it sounded. I always wished our house had one. I even tried to beg our dad to get one at one point but it would have never worked out. 

As soon as I closed the door shut I felt arms wrap around me except they weren't as big and muscular as I'd hoped. Instead, they were thin and wiry. I turned to face Riley. She looked a little wobbly but still, gravity seemed to agree with her. How?

"You came." She cooed as she bopped my nose.

"Of course I came, why wouldn't I?" I said to her while waving to a few people from my trigonometry class.

I took her drink away and quickly found a water bottle to replace it. Even though it was her house I still didn't want her to get too trashed especially in front of Lucas. I knew that if something were to happen she'd get upset about it and wouldn't let it go. Ever. She was really hard on herself. It was something we both had in common, extreme self-discipline.

"You need to hydrate." I scolded her as she poked out her bottom lip.

"Of course you would say that you're part mermaid." She rolled her eyes at me but took the cup from me anyway. She took a few sips trying not to giggle along the way. I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"What about Lucas?" I tried to reason with her but kept my tone light.

Her attitude completely shifted and that spark in her eyes ignited with excitement. She quickly slurped the water to delay her response which quickly made me roll my eyes. So dramatic.

"Oh." She took another sip. "I'm going to bang him tonight." She bit her tongue to keep from screaming.

"You're what?" I yelled feeling my eyes practically pop out of my head.

I looked around the party to see if anyone noticed our conversation. There was a group in the kitchen making drinks I noticed a few lacrosse guys, but no one in particular. There was a group of people in the living room playing beer pong. I was pretty sure some of the swim team and lacrosse boys were in the dining room playing kings cup. Maybe that's where Cal was.

Oh my god please stop thinking about him.

"Yeah," she eagerly nodded "I mean I don't see why not."

"You're not wrong, just drink more water so you can calm down first you'll want to remember it." I smiled fluffing her hair.

It's true, if she wanted to have sex with Lucas then she had every right to. She lost her virginity over the summer to a foreign exchange student. She always said she wanted to get it out of the way, plus the two got along really well. It was sort of her going away present to him. She's way more experienced than I was.

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