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I noticed Kylie and Liam sitting very close in the corner of the couch. I gave him a slight nod of approval hoping she didn't notice. He would never let me forget it if Kylie saw me staring. 

Riley was on the floor laying on her stomach, while Mason used her butt as a footrest from the couch. Lucas was perched next to him, which was a little weird since Riley invited him. I didn't point it out or anything, deciding I'd ask her later. Livi had decided to lay next to Riley.

Riley was Livi's role model. She idolized her. We even had to put her in ballet classes because she was so strung out on Riley's life. Riley actually taught her dance class once a week. Livi was in complete awe when she found that out.

I handed Riley her mug as I walked toward the opposite corner of Liam where our couch extended making the L shape. My body was almost small enough to fit the whole space. I loved how cozy that spot was. Everyone knew it was my designated spot.

As I sipped my coffee I noticed Tyler and Cal strolling in with bags of popcorn. I watched over the brim of my cup as Tyler sat on the other side of Liam giving him more space than Kylie had.

He eyed Riley and looked towards Lucas and back to Riley with disgust. Did he have a crush on Riley? I couldn't imagine Tyler actually liking someone as genuine as her. At the same time, I don't see why anyone wouldn't like her? I quickly looked away when he caught me watching him. That would be a conversation for another time. 

Cal scanned the room looking for a spot. Only I didn't realize that it was next to me. I mean he could have sat on the floor.

"Thanks for saving me a seat Parker." Cal was pleased as he sat down scooting me over more.

He nudged me further away from my spot so he could have more leg room squishing me against him. He gave one final wiggle to get comfortable causing my coffee to slosh over the brim spilling the hot contents over my thigh.

"Shit Cal!" I screamed jumping up trying not to spill anymore. I held my cup of coffee in front of me wincing. Partially because of how much pain I was in and also because I was afraid to spill any more of it on the floor or the couch.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" He jumped up to grab the cup out of my hands. As soon as it was out of my grasp I ran down the hall to my bathroom.

I could feel the tears beginning to form in my eyes. It didn't hurt too bad. I mean it was extremely hot, but it wasn't anything to cry over. Crying was just a defense mechanism I guess. A really annoying defense mechanism.

I grabbed a washcloth from my cabinet and ran it under cool water before pressing it against my leg. The one night I decided to wear some comfy shorts and I get piping hot coffee spilled on me. I couldn't help but shake my head.

"Hey." I heard his soft voice as he gently tapped against the door frame.

"Hi." I sniffled quickly wiping away my tears.

"No really are you okay?" he asked. He did sound genuinely concerned. So that was a plus, unlike the usual teasing I was used to. 

He stepped closer towards me and squatted down so he was eye level with my thigh. It was a little awkward at first but he gently grabbed my hand removing the cloth to inspect it. I shoved his hand away motioning that I was fine. It wasn't a big deal.

"Can you let me see it please?" He seemed genuinely scared that he hurt me pretty bad. In reality, it wasn't like he actually planned to spill my coffee all over me. I wasn't mad at him for it. 

"Cal I'm fine," I assured him, standing up to face him. "See." I pointed my toe out towards him showing off my thigh.

"It's really fucking red." His eyes grew wide as his eyebrows practically touched his hairline. He was too afraid to meet my eyes. All he kept doing was pulling his bottom lip between his teeth. 

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