C. 33.

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The room was silent and still.

The soft wind blowing in through the open window was the only sound that filled the ears of the six men standing there, each one of them quiet as their heads hung low.

A sad and dark energy flowed through each of them, the aura matching that of the rain that fell outside.

They had just received a call from the mortician, confirming what they had all suspected, but feared, to be true.

The body was yours.

You had died in the fire.

And now none of them knew what to say.

"Th-They're gone?" Jungkook was the first to speak, his hands gripping the small hat his brother used to wear. "W-We only left for a few hours. How..."

His words began to trail off as his voice cracked, the silver-haired man struggling to keep himself calm among the others.

"Do you think it was Minhyuk and Baekhyun?" Jin asked, his jaw clenching.

"Who else would it be?" Taehyung snapped coldly. "We should have stayed with her."

Jimin sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"We couldn't have known-"

"We did know!" Jungkook roared. "We knew that they were after her. We knew that they would be coming for her. We knew and we still left her all alone! If I had listened to her, if I had stayed when she asked me to, she and Louis would still be alive-"

"You can't know that." Hoseok interjected, placing his hand on the mobsters shoulder. "Namjoon's home is supposed to be the most secure place in the country...Minhyuk and Baekhyun are small-unimportant...no one could have guessed that they'd be able to pull off something like this."

Taehyung frowned.

"So, what do we do now?"

A dark chuckle sounded from across the room, causing everyone's head to snap up in shock and curiosity.

Yoongi stared ahead with a scowl, his face emotionless and stoic as he clenching his jaw, eyes narrowed.

"What else is there to do?" He spat. "She was the reason we started working together in the first place...now that she's gone, we go back to trying to kill each other."

Hoseok's eyes softened at his friend's words, his moving to rest on his shoulder.


The blue-haired man jerked away from his touch, sending him a hard glare.

"Don't." He warned sternly, voice cracking as tears filled his vision. "Don't you dare try and tell me that everything is alright."

Hoseok slowly stepped back, his expression falling as a single tear trickled down the assassin's cheek, his hands beginning to shake.

Jungkook frowned, his grip on his brother's hat tightening slightly.

"I guess this is it, then." He mumbled, glancing up to Taehyung, who only nodded in response.

"I guess so."


A soft groan left your parted lips as your body began to stir awake, your consciousness slowly beginning to come back to you.

Your fingers twitched as your eyes fluttered open, mind feeling hazy and clouded over as you arched your neck, trying to glance around where ever you were.

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