C. 34.

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"Get out."

Hoseok's eyes softened as Yoongi's firm voice filled the air, his body hunched over his desk as he scribbled furiously on a small piece of paper.

His blue hair had begun to grow out, causing his natural black color to appear on his roots. His hair was messy and sticking up in all directions as though he hadn't combed it that day. It had grown past his ears and turning into a kind of mullet.

His usually clean apartment was now a complete mess, files thrown all over the floor, empty bottles of alcohol laying in every corner of the living room and kitchen. Blankets and pillows were strewn across the couch, which told Hoseok that Yoongi had probably been sleeping there instead of his bedroom.

"You need to eat." Hoseok sighed, setting down a plastic container before the blue-haired assassin.

"Not hungry."

The red-haired man shook his head, hand snapping forward and slamming Yoongi's laptop closed.

"You can't keep doing this to yourself." He sighed. "It's been a month, Yoongi. You're working yourself to death."

Yoongi clenched his jaw at the mobster's actions, clearly displeased with the interruption of his work.

"So what if I am?" He snapped, standing to his feet. "It's none of your business anyway. We aren't friends."

Hoseok frowned, watching as Yoongi made his way to the kitchen.

"You've already done eighteen jobs this month, Yoongi." He stated, "Eighteen!"

"And!?" The assassin spat, grabbing a bottle of whiskey. "I'm moving on with my life, isn't this what you want!? Don't you want me to forget about her!? Don't you want me to act like I don't care that she's dead!?"

Hoseok's eyes widened slightly, his jaw falling slack for only a moment before he was walking towards his friend.

"You know that's not what I want." He gritted. "I know how much she meant to you-to all of us."

Yoongi laughed darkly, head shaking as he took a swing of the bitter alcohol.

"You think you knew her? Do you think that you actually cared about her?" He asked coldly. "The only time any of you wanted her was when she was in that club, dancing. You didn't want to know her as a person. You didn't care about who she was or where she came from. All you wanted to do was get her into bed and f-"

"That's enough." Hoseok growled. "After everything that we went through with her, how can you say that we never cared?"

Yoongi scoffed, running a hand through his hair.

"The only reason you even stuck around so long was because you wanted her just as badly as everyone else." He explained. "You all wanted the same thing and now that she's dead, you're telling me to move on and stop caring for her!"

Yoongi blinked in surprise as Hoseok approached him, hands snatching the whiskey from him and throwing it onto the ground, causing the glass bottle to shatter into millions of pieces.

"You're not the only one who lost her!" Hoseok roared, tears springing to his eyes as he gripped the collar of Yoongi's shirt violently. "She wasn't just some girl to me! She wasn't some girl to any of us, so stop acting like you're the only one who cared, because I can assure you, you aren't."

Yoongi's eyes were wide as he watched a single tear slide down the red-heads face.

"You need to get over yourself." Hoseok snapped, releasing Yoongi's shirt. "She wouldn't want this for you. You won't even go in your bedroom because that's where she slept! I'm not saying that you have to forget her, I'm not even saying that you have to get over her. I'm telling you that you have got to find another way to cope. Drinking yourself to death in this apartment is not going to bring her back and it's time that you know that."

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