00. prologue

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The neighborhood was deathly silent besides the sound of a single motorcycle ripping down the street

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The neighborhood was deathly silent besides the sound of a single motorcycle ripping down the street. The driver's helmet did little to prevent her long hair from whipping in the wind. The vehicle was completely black besides a few dark green detailing that matched the black and green jumpsuit worn by the driver. A few blinds were opened by neighbors as the motorcycle came to stop in front a house with a garage door open.

Inside the garage sat Rick Sanchez, a scientist who was frequently the cause of disruption in the quiet neighborhood. He was hunched over his desk messing with parts of god knows what when the motorcycle pulled in front of the driveway. He paid no mind to it, simply passing a glance the driver's way before continuing his work. The driver had noticed this as she removed herself from the motorcycle and turned it off. She could see him fairly well from her position. He was lanky with a clean white lab coat, a blue sweater and brown pants. His sweater almost perfectly matched his mess of blue-gray hair that she could tell was in desperate need of a washing. Though, the odd hair color of the man certainly made the girl feel more comfortable with her assignment, even though she was certain it was simple from age, a part of her enjoyed that there was another person with a color that at least looked unnatural.

Her own hair was the same dark green as the details on her bike and jumpsuit and it tumbled out of her helmet as she removed it. Her green eyes scanned over the man once more before looking down at the crumpled piece of paper in her hands. The address on the house was written in her father's perfect penmanship along with a small note for her to show the man in the garage.

Her father was an old friend of the man, claiming he owed him a deep debt. Before leaving with his estranged brother, her father made sure to make arrangements for his daughter and pay off his debt in one move. 'Two birds with one stone, Cas!' He has said as he wrote the letter down with a smile. Though, during the same conversation, he had also warned her of how intense Rick Sanchez could be. 'He can be cold and rather rude,' Her father had said. 'But he's incredibly smart and you have far more to learn from him than you could ever learn from me,' He added when she rose an eyebrow at that.

To say Cas was like her father would be a lie. While he father could be outgoing, he sheltered himself away for most of his life and Cas had only known him for a few days after her birth and for a few months after his return when she turned 30. The only memory of him she had was the features her uncle swore she had gotten from her father. Yet, Cas never saw the resemblance. Her father had brown hair and blue eyes while she had the same green hair and green eyes as her mother, according the short passage about her in her father's first journal. Perhaps it was her uncle just holding on to hope that one day, he'd reunite his brother with his daughter. Yet, when he finally did, Cas was the last thing on Stanford Pines' mind.

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