30. one crew over the crewcoo's morty

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*hi. this one was slightly rushed but i'll edit it later. anyways, enjoy and i hope you like the incorrect quote because now that cas and rick are sort of unstable they are all that's keeping me going (even though this one is cas and morty). also: four more chapters after this until the end!*

The day had started out good for Rick and Cas but they both knew what that meant

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The day had started out good for Rick and Cas but they both knew what that meant. Soon, something would happen to change that and they'd end up angry at each other for no good reason. Cas still figured that every couple had fights and it was just a part of the growing pains of a relationship. They had never really fought before and it just happened to be that their first one was rather huge and spreading like a virus in both of their minds. Still, she hung on to the small moments that occurred on their good days. Even things as small as sitting next to each other at the dining table again or as big as sitting and making fun of shitty movies with a packet of wafer cookies like they always did before. She held on to those as much as she could but she knew that her grasp on those memories would begin to weaken eventually.

Yet, she just constantly remembered what Tony told Rick not that long ago. "You want to take the one part of life that your truly think is yours and you want to protect it from a universe that takes whatever it wants." Tony had said, "It took my wife. It clearly took something from you."

Cas didn't miss the way that Rick looked at her after that. She knew he had taken it to heart and she knew what he connected it to. The universe was chaotic and Rick knew that better than anyone. He had lost something to it before, granted he played a large part in the loss, but he knew that it was only a matter of time before the universe decided to take Cas from him. She started with him bright eyed and energetic and now, Rick was beginning to realize just what the universe, and himself, had done to Cas to ruin that. It was a similar reason why Unity had left him all that time ago. He couldn't help but take over lives like a parasite would take over someone. 

The only issue was, he just didn't know how to make it better.

"Rick, I-I'm not rated to climb something this sheer," Morty said as Rick tossed his fast food bag into the wind. He leaned back into the hover chair he sat in, taking a bite out of the sandwich he had. Cas floated next to him, a mass of green energy below her feet and in her hands, keeping her up in the air next to him. Morty gripped on to the mountain side next to them, glancing back at Rick and Cas.

"Look, you're the guy that wanted an epic adventure. I'm the guy with only one hover chair," Rick told Morty.

"I'm not gonna let you fall, Morty. Don't worry," Cas added.

"Goddamnit, an alien spider just bit my finger!" Morty exclaimed, pulling one hand off the mountain, shaking it from the pain.

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