chapter ²⁶

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❝ You know a Taurus will like youwhen they share their food ❞

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You know a Taurus will like you
when they share their food

❝ You know a Taurus will like youwhen they share their food ❞

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MILLIONS OF EMOTIONS burst out all at once. I wanted to grab his hand and run away to the highest mountain in the sector so I could scream at the top of my lungs. But at the same time, I wanted to throw up, because now I knew I actually had a chance.

Which made me scared. But at the same time excited and impatient and happy. Was that crazy? I honestly didn't care.

"Let's go somewhere then." I was giddy with childlike joy and couldn't stop smiling.

"Right now?" He smiled back, clearly just as excited.

"Yeah, I'm not doing anything for the rest of the day."

"Okay, let's do it. I actually know a place where we could go and no one would disturb us. But we have to take the train."

"Lead the way." I would follow him anywhere at this point.

We hopped on a train going northbound and I immediately started bombarding him with questions but he refused to tell me where we were going.

"Come on, just tell me. Or at least give me a hint," I pouted but he wouldn't give in.

"Just be patient." He kept saying but I was dying to know.

"Do you even know me? Having patience is one of my daily struggles." Along with eating too much, sleeping too much, and not knowing when to shut up. But he knew that.

"How on earth did your parents put up with you?"

"They didn't. That's why I have two other siblings to pester instead."

"Is that why people have more kids?"

"Yup. I guess your parents thought you were an angel."

"I mean, I'd like to think I was a pretty well-behaved child. I never really got in trouble."

"Oh bullshit," I called him out, "There must've been one thing you did that got you in trouble."

The smile never left his face as he replied, "Well, I guess there was one thing I did when I was younger that I'm not really proud of." He looked down at the ground, almost shamefully, which made me extremely curious.

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