chapter ³¹

785 61 7

❝ Libras are the only ones who caninsult you and still sound nice ❞

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Libras are the only ones who can
insult you and still sound nice

"NOT TO BE ANNOYING, BUT are we almost there yet?" I asked for probably the hundredth time since we left Nashira

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"NOT TO BE ANNOYING, BUT are we almost there yet?" I asked for probably the hundredth time since we left Nashira. It was hard to bring up another topic of conversation when we were driving twenty-four seven.

"Almost. Just a few more minutes."

"Thank Gods. I hate travelling."

"I thought you liked travelling?"

"I do. But I hate the driving and sitting in one spot kind of travelling. It's so boring." My mind was getting sleepy but my body was completely alert. "I like the going to exploring new places and wandering around part of travelling."

"I get that, actually."

"Do you like long car rides?"

"Yeah, it clears my head a little. Sometimes I'd drive for hours and be so out of it that I'd accidentally end up in another sector."

"So you don't drive to any specific place?"

"Not really. I tried not to do it too much because my parents hated it. My dad always said it wasted gas." From his tone, I realized he didn't have the same affection for his parents as I did.

"You know what's weird? I don't know anything about your family," I gasped, "I mean, it wouldn't do any good now, they'd probably want to kill me if they knew what we were doing."

I could see the family reunion now; Cade's relatives would definitely passive-aggressively accuse me of starting this whole brouhaha even though he was the one to suggest it first. Then we'd sit at the picnic table and pretend to like each other when in reality, I'd think to myself how much I hated their opinions and rotten fish cakes.

"What do you want to know about them?"

"What signs are they?"

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