Team who?

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It wasn't a surprise to Naruto that the teacher, Mizuki, actually tricked him into getting the Scroll of Seals. It actually hurt, these attempts to either kill him or get him banished, he just wanted friends. He didn't even need more than one, Naruto would literally be fine with one friend. His train of thought was suddenly interrupted by Iruka's announcement "and lastly, team seven will hold four genins because we have an even number of genins this year; Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakuro, Uzumaki Naruto and Shikamaru Nara, the sensei for that team will be Hatake Kakashi, the Ino-Shika-Cho combination is not going to be formed this year, due to the request of one of the families, that is all- you must wait here for your squad leaders to show up" he concluded with a smile, walking out of the classroom when the squad leaders started rolling in.

Four hours. They had been waiting for four whole hours for this guy "that's it! I'm tired of waiting" Naruto announced loudly as he got up and practically pranced to the teacher's desk.

"Naruto! What are you doing?" the pink haired girl, who he now knew to be Sakura, shouted when she saw him setting up something at the door.

"I'm setting up a prank! Stop screaming, he deserves it for making us wait so long!" he shouted back, just to match her tone as he finished setting up his little prank, quickly walking back to sit down next to Shikamaru with a proud look on his face.

"A jounin would never fall for something like that-" the sound of something dropping at the same time the door opened, made silence fall throughout the room. Naruto cheered and childishly stuck his tongue out at Sasuke, a smug smile taking over his face soon after since he was able to prove a mighty Uchiha wrong.

"Hey" the jounin greeted with what looked like a smile- it was hard to tell with the mask on, but he was eyeing them all observantly as he continued " meet me up on the room in at least ten minutes" he said, giving his first order as he shunshinned away, the sudden use of the technique shocking the genins as they started to file out.

"Shikamaru, let's go" Naruto said in almost a whining tone, pulling on the said boy's arm, pulling him along as he made his way to the roof, they had gotten there in just under ten minutes because of how slow Shikamaru was walking since Naruto obviously wasn't going to drag him the whole way there. When they had arrived, Kakashi mentioned that they were going to introduce themselves, giving an example of his own introduction since Sakura asked the stupid question of 'what do you mean by an introduction?' what an idiot.

Soon enough, they had gotten to Naruto and the young male practically stumbled over his words before actually introducing himself, he had to seem cheery "I'm Uzumaki Naruto! I like ramen, I eat a lot of it because it's the most amazing thing ever! I love orange and the Nara clan- oh! I also dislike mean people! My dream is to become Hokage- it's not really a dream, but a fact because I will become Hokage in the future, believe it!" he finished his introduction with his little catchphrase before they finally moved onto Shikamaru and surprisingly, the young boy wasn't sleeping.

"Nara Shikamaru, I like playing shogi, watching clouds... I guess playing with Naruto... I don't like pointless questions or wasting energy on useless things and..." the boy paused for a second, looking at Naruto's expectant smile, since he thought Shikamaru was going to give an amazing introduction, before he continued " I guess I could be the Hokage's assistant or something " he finished, the introduction of his taking at least five minutes longer that everyone else's since he took his time.

"Yeah, that's right! Me and Shikamaru are going to be the bestest of friends! We're gonna be together forever!" Naruto elaborated, a cheeky smile on his lips as he slung his arm around Shikamaru's shoulders. Not bothered enough to push the energetic boy away, the young genius just stayed where he was without any trouble.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow at this, not that they would see it anyways, but he quickly carried on before the genins noticed "anyways, tomorrow- I want you guys to meet me at the third training ground for something very important, be there by 7 sharp and don't eat breakfast either" he advised before he shunshinned away again. They were in for a ride tomorrow.

Trust || NarushikaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora