Thank you

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Shikamaru woke up late on purpose the next day, knowing that Naruto would wait for him anyways- he wanted to see if they would get the same amount of looks they had received yesterday- he pretended to rush while getting ready and saw that, as soon as he left his house, Naruto stood up from where he was sat waiting "sorry, I didn't wake up on time- ready to go?" he explained, sending a question Naruto's way almost immediately after doing so.

"Yeah, it's alright! I knew you would come out sometime soon- you may be lazy, but you wouldn't leave me hanging like that" Naruto replied as they started to walk, oblivious to Shikiamaru's observant eyes as he scanned the streets that were filled with people. The brunet knew he wasn't imagining anything, the way Naruto lowered his eyes a little and shuffled closer to him ever so slightly. Was he afraid of them? They were just normal civilians, how could he be afraid of them? He maintained a passive face expression, even though there was a scowl desperately tugging at his lips, he wanted to question all of these people, but he couldn't do that with Naruto around, the fool would probably defend them. They only came into the village to get a few snacks before going to where they were actually supposed to go. Once reaching the shop, Shikamaru announced that he would go look around, telling Naruto to buy what he needed to buy, giving him some of the money that his mother gave him before he left.

True to his words, the brunet went to pick up some snacks that he thought they would enjoy, picking them up before he heard some commotion, silently walking around the shelves, Shikamaru found himself looking at a scene he wished he would have prevented. "This is the right amount of money, sir! It's unfair if you double the price, this is all the money I have!" Naruto replied, raising his voice a little since he was starting to get annoyed.

"Tough luck, kid, I don't treat killer demons the same as normal people, you're not normal so don't come here ever again!" the cashier said, obviously the shopkeeper as he practically threw Naruto out of the shop.

Although he was angry, Shikamaru walked over and looked at the items left on the counter "oh! I was looking for these, how much are they? Including my other stuff" he asked, feigning relief as he paid for his stuff. The man behind the counter charged him practically a quarter of what Naruto was going to pay, what a rip off- he'd get this man shut down if it was the last thing he did. Walking outside, he saw Naruto just sitting on the ground "hey, let's get out of here" he said, handing Naruto his stuff, ignoring the shocked look on his best friend's face as he walked away, completely missing the small, genuine smile that took over Naruto's face before the blond got up and hurried after his best friend.

Once they reached the forest that belonged to the Nara clan, the blonde of the two visibly relaxed as they ventured deeper into the forest, letting out a uncharacteristic sigh when they sat down beside the  little river- waterfall, or whatever it was, sitting in silence for a while before Shikamaru spoke up "hey, Naruto" he said, getting the attention of the said boy before continuing "you know you can talk to me whenever something is wrong, right?" he questioned, looking at the blond, realizing that he stiffened slightly.

"Y-yes, why wouldn't I? We're best friends" the young boy replied, slouching a little beside the brunet, trying not to seem uncomfortable because of the current topic at hand.

"Then why won't you talk to me? Only me, my mother and my father know that you're partially blind, I see the way everyone looks at you, I saw how the shopkeeper practically tripled the price of those times on purpose, I know that you try your best to avoid people, Naruto, what's going on?" Shikamaru asked, bombarding his best friend with all the information he had learned.

"I- Shikamaru I can't tell you, it's a top secret" the blond answered, looking away a little before turning towards the brunet completely, suddenly silent as he contemplated on what to do.

"What is-" Shikamaru halted, slightly gaping in shock as the lips, of his best friend, left his cheek "w-what was that for?" he asked, trying to keep his composure, he hoped Naruto knew that best friends don't kiss each other on the cheek.

"What do you mean? I'm saying thank you, but I mean it way more than a lot-"

"What are you talking about? That's not how you do it, all you had to do, was say thank you very much"

"But, doesn't your dad do that whenever your mum packs him lunch? Isn't that his way of saying that he's grateful?" the blond questioned out of confusion, once he finished explaining his theory.

"No, Naruto, he does that because-" Shikamaru sighed, the light blush that made itself present, not helping his situation as he looked at his stupid best friend "only people who love each other do that and-"

"but I do love you! I love you so much, Shikamaru!" the blond shouted, practically leaping over the food between the two of them, in order to loop his arms around his best friend's neck, pulling him into a hug as he kissed him on the cheek again.

"Naruto, friends don't kiss each other on the cheek-"

"Exactly! That's why we're not just normal friends- we're best friends!" Naruto replied, interrupting his best friend as he tried to express his love for the other boy.

"No, stupid- I don't mean all this in the way you're thinking" Shikamaru said, trying not to look at Naruto as the blond smiled at him, the blush that he was sporting, was embarrassing as it was already.

"Huh? What other way is there?" the blond question stupidly, not letting go of Shikamaru.

"Forget it, anyways- what was that 'thank you very much' for anyways? You did it twice" the brunet asked, not expecting the answer that he was about to be given.

"For caring"

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