More than best friends

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Slightly ooc Shikamaru


Were they dating now? Well, Shikamaru couldn't answer that for sure. Even though they kissed the other night, nothing had really changed. He'd still take this as a step in the right direction though.

"Shika! Hurry up or we're gonna be late!" a voice shouted as the owner loudly made his way upstairs and slammed the bedroom door open, resulting in the brunet groaning in response, turning over in bed.

"Let me sleep" he pleaded, pulling his covers higher as he got comfortable.

"No, it's a mission- we can't be later than Kakashi-sensei" the person replied, pulling the duvet back down and dragging the tired boy out of bed. It wasn't long before they were setting off on a mission, team 7 (minus Sasuke) venturing further away from Konoha as one.

As night began to fall, they set up camp and sat around the fire together, resting before they'd go to sleep and take turns guarding. Of course though, all good things must come to an end. "Naruto, you didn't answer me the other day, where's Sasuke?" Sakura asked, loud enough for everyone else to hear as she moved closer to the blond, his eyes widening slightly.

"I told you, I don't know" he answered, trying to stay calm as she continued to pester him relentlessly, his fists clenching as he continued to tell her that he didn't know.

"You definitely know, you were always following Sasuke around like the freak show you are!" she shouted back, raising her voice at him, which caused Kakashi to glance back in alarm.

"I said I-"

"He already answered you many times, he told you that he doesn't know. He didn't need to answer you, but he still did. Every time. So back off, Sasuke doesn't even care about you right now, stop fangirling and obsessing over him. As far as I know, you're the only freak show here" someone else said, interrupting Naruto as he was about to shout back at her, a hand unclenching one of his fists and slotting their hands together instead, intertwining their fingers out of view from everyone else; he didn't have to turn to his side to know who it was.

Maybe he was a little too harsh, but Shikamaru didn't regret those words at all. Everyone else was shocked to say the least because, even though he didn't speak that much, the brunet was never rude to anyone and just plain lazy all of the time, but they had seen a new side of him just now. Sakura shut her mouth at that, not knowing what to say to her teammate in response as Naruto gave his best friend's hand a slight squeeze to thank him. Clearing his throat, Kakashi stood up and dusted off his uniform "let's head off to sleep everyone, Shikamaru and Naruto can take first watch" he said, waiting for Sakura to get into her tent, before sending an apologetic look towards the pair and heading into his own.

Standing up, Shikamaru pulled the quiet blond up with him, walking off into the forest "Shika, what are you doing? We can't leave them while they're asleep- we're supposed to stand guard" Naruto hissed quietly, panicking slightly as the camp was no longer in his view when he turned back.

"Kakashi is there, they'll be fine. Just follow me" he instructed, dragging the blond along until they reached an clearing. Shikamaru sat down, resulting in his best friend also sitting down, due to their joined hands. "Are you okay?" the brunet questioned as he turned to his best friend, knowing that he wasn't alright at the moment.

"I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me, Naruto, how long have we known each other?"

"I'm just," he paused, taking a deep breath as he stopped infusing chakra into his blind eye, making it go back to it's dull pale colour, "tired, Shika- she won't stop asking me and it hurts, it hurts that he left me without saying anything and I don't even know where he went. The name calling is even worse. It may seem childish, but I've been hearing things like that for my whole life and to hear those same names coming from my own teammate- I can barely take it anymore, I'm trying- I'm really trying" Naruto finally answered, a quiet sob leaving him.

Letting go of his hand, Shikamaru wrapped his arm around the blond's shoulders instead, bring Naruto into his chest as he cried- maybe it was the result of Sasuke leaving, but Naruto had been crying more easily lately and it worried him; his best friend hadn't cried this much since the day he found him in that alley. "I understand- you don't always have to keep it up, you're allowed to snap, you're human, not anything else that you've been called- you're Naruto, my best friend. You're not a 'freak show' either, you being half blind doesn't make you any different- even if it did, I'll always be beside you to tell you that all those names they call you- they're all wrong, I'll always be here to tell you that whenever you need me to" the brunet replied, willing to continue being the base of support that Naruto needed. 18 years. Naruto had gone through so much pain for 18 years and the villagers still wouldn't let him rest and it pained Shikamaru to witness it.

Naruto calmed down quite quickly, not wanting to be a bother as he sniffled against his best friend's chest. Pulling back, he smiled slightly as he stood up and dragged Shikamaru up with him "you okay now?" the brunet asked, receiving a nod in return as Naruto slotted their hands together once more.

"I guess I just needed a breather, thank you" the blond said, leaning up to kiss Shikamaru's cheek with a small smile gracing his lips.

As unexpected as that was, even Shikamaru couldn't help the prominent blush that made itself evident across his cheeks. Without saying much more, the brunet just tugged Naruto back through the forest, shielding his face as they walked, knowing his face was still burning from the peck he received. Gosh, he was acting like he was 8 years old and his crush had just said hello to him. The blond chuckled as he followed behind Shikamaru "so even you can get flustered?" he questioned, teasing the male ahead of him as they made their way back to the camp.

"Be quiet" Shikamaru mumbled, no actual anger behind his words as they finally made it back just in time; Kakashi was leaving his tent to stand guard as the two boys passed his tent, receiving a knowing nod from their teacher, before the two got into their shared tent and settled down, laying face to face. "Come here" he said, watching as Naruto moved closer and obediently underneath their sleeping bag (as best friends, they didn't mind just sharing a big one), wrapping his arm around the blond male's waist, "this okay?" he asked quietly, anticipating the rejection just a little.

With a smile, Naruto nodded "after Sasuke left, I don't think we're just best friends anymore- I did say I'd give you a chance, didn't I?" he continued, bringing one of his hands up to cup Shikamaru's cheek, gently rubbing it with his thumb.

"Naruto, I don't want you to feel like you have to give me a chance- I know you still like Sasuke, love him even, and if you're not ready to move on, then don't bother giving me false hope- just reject me. I don't want you to do this because you don't want to hurt my feelings. I'll get over it" the brunet replied, suddenly serious as they spoke in hushed tones and surrounded by darkness, his grip on the other male's waist tightening slightly as he spoke.

"I'm doing this because I want to- Shikamaru, you're always there for me and I've been taking you for granted, even if it's a bit to soon for me to get over that bastard- I know you'll help me and I want to love you in the way you love me."

"Don't regret this, Naruto" the brunet mumbled, pulling Naruto's body flush against his own.

"I would never" he replied, his small smile still present as he relaxed against Shikamaru's own body and removed his hand from his face, letting the other male hold him. Soon after, sleep seemed to catch up to the both of them quite quickly.


This chapter is longer than normal as an apology for not updating for a month ;-;

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