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Read everything, all the way to the end ;)
Seventeen. They were seventeen, but Sasuke chose to pull a stunt like this? It was so childish, Shikamaru couldn't even understand why he would do something like that. Heading back upstairs, the brunet sighed at the sight of his best friend sleeping on his bed, there was no valid reason as to why that bastard made Naruto cry- he wouldn't accept any reasoning for this. "Naruto, wake up, we need to talk" he said, once he had reached the bed, gently shaking the boy out of his slumber, receiving a confused gaze in return.

"About what?" his best friend shot back, sitting up slowly as he took in his surroundings, recognising the room straight away.

"That bastard- do you have any idea for why he would've left?" Shikamaru asked, watching as Naruto came to terms with what had happened, remembering everything. The blond male shook his head, looking as if he was ready to cry again any time soon. "Look, let's go for a walk, your shoes are beside the bed- you can freshen up or whatever, I'll wait downstairs" he suggested, before walking out of the room and walking downstairs, knowing that his best friend needed time alone to collect his thoughts and recover from whatever Sasuke pulled last night.

It wasn't long before Naruto decided to come downstairs, greeting Shikamaru's parents as they set off, leaving the compound grounds "you know, I don't think he even loved me, he was always so- so withdrawn, he never really wanted to do anything with me" the blond said, words practically flying out of his mouth as they approached the forest. Shikamaru stuck his hands in his pockets, not wanting his best friend to see the way he was clenching his fists out of pure rage- he still couldn't believe that heartless idiot would do this to Naruto, he didn't deserve this. As the blond continued to rant, venting all of his feelings, they heard shouts from nearby, dismissing it as people training. A flash of pink appeared and flew past the brunet and, the next thing he knew, Sakura was attacking Naruto, screaming at him.

"Where's Sasuke?! Tell me right now, you monster! What did you do to him?! He wouldn't have left like this- where is he?!" the pink-haired girl continued to shout at Naruto, grabbing onto him and shaking him back and forth, demanding an answer as her shouts fell on deaf ears, the blond stared at her in shock, not able to comprehend why she was attacking him of all people.

"I don't know" he finally answered, his panicked undertone making Shikamaru worry slightly, but the brunet chose to not do anything, not wanting to accidentally do something that he might regret.

"You have to know! Damn it, tell me where he is!" she demanded, seeming to not understand that Naturo really didn't know where Sasuke had run off to.

"Why me? Why are you asking me?! I wish I knew, Sakura- I honestly wish I did! I don't know- I don't, okay?! Why can't you just understand that I don't know?!" Naruto suddenly shouted, snapping at the pink-haired girl as he continued. "Let go of me" the blond demanded uncharacteristically, taking ahold of her wrists and forcing them off of him, before walking away.

"Look at what you've gone and done now, you never know when to stop- do you, Sakura?" Shikamaru questioned rhetorically out of annoyance, sighing as he rushed after his best friend, calling out his name for him to stop. Surprisingly, Naruto ignored his calls and continued to stomp further into the forest without a care in the world- he was definitely upset. "Naruto, calm down and come back!" Shikamaru shouted, unwillingly jogging to catch up to his best friend as the blond neared a clearing where there was a cliff. Soon enough, they were both on the clearing and Naruto wasn't watching where he was going.

"What is wrong with me, Shikamaru? What did I- what did I do to deserve this? Why does everyone hate me so much?" the blond asked, turning around to look at the brunet, tears brimming his eyes as he questioned himself. "The one time!- The one time that something good happens to me, it goes wrong and everyone blames me for it- why? Why does this only happen to me?" Naruto continued, not giving Shikamaru a chance to answer, as he started to become hysteric, backing up further towards the cliff. "If I died, no one would care- would they?" he questioned, chuckling sadly at his sudden realisation.

"No, that's not true- Naruto, are you hearing yourself right now? I care- I care so damn much about you, so does my mother, my father too- do you think we would've taken you in if we didn't care about you? Do you think you're alone? You're not- I'm here for you, my family is here for you- just- please, come here and talk to me" Shikamaru pleaded, not liking the way his best friend was just standing comfortably on the edge of a cliff. He was a shinobi, yes- but, could he really save himself while in such a state?

"You're just saying that- I'm a burden, I'm always annoying you-"

"But that's who you are!- Is it not? I don't care if you bug me all the time, that's just who you are- I can't blame you for being yourself, I'm glad that you even want to talk to me- you are not a burden at all, we all love you to pieces, Naruto, stop spouting nonsense- I honestly don't know what I would do without you" the brunet confessed, sighing before he continued "Sasuke is an idiot for taking you for granted like that- all those villagers? They don't deserve your kindness, they're just angry because your birth was the best thing to ever happen to this crappy village."

The blond stood there speechless by his best friend's words, he hardly every heard Shikamaru raise his voice like that, showing how much he meant every word he said. Nodding, Naruto decided to back away from the cliff.

Well, he tried to.



Ahhh, I'm sorry for the long wait- I said I would update last week aha and I'm sorry. BUT- buT- hear me out, I am officially ready to be back and writing. :> So, I will try to start updating weekly again, see you guys soon!

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