First love and heartbreak

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Imma play around with the storyline ;) just a warning, mAjOR time skip here because i'm lazy


At the ages of ten through fifteen, Naruto developed his first crush, for the one and only Uchiha Sasuke and Shikamaru was the first person to know, them two being best friends and all. And now at the age of fifteen; the two of them no longer held hands as much since Naruto thought Sasuke wouldn't like him if he was too touchy with other people. Neither did they go out for ramen together as much as they used to, Naruto had become a little detached from his best friend and they were still yet to tell people that Naruto was half blind. No one knew that apart from Shikamaru and his parents, but the young blond didn't think he had to tell anyone and didn't see a point in people knowing either, they would just treat him differently.

It wasn't Shikamaru's business anyways, Naruto could do whatever he wanted to do, and apparently, the fox was going to teach how to use his sensory anyways; it was some sort of family thing and Kurama apparently knew Naruto's mother and the sensory jutsu itself. In short, he was fine without Shikamaru and the brunet accepted that fact. The distance between them increased gradually when team 7 started to go out on more missions and Naruto would always pair himself up with Sasuke, leaving Shikamaru with Sakura; he was starting to feel like his family jutsu made him weak since even Sakura, the least useful member of the team, had complained about being his partner. Shikamaru didn't care though, it was okay- his father warned him about people not realising the importance of his family's jutsu. He still remembered that day, when they were sixteen, Naruto ran into his room shouting "hey, Shikamaru! I'm going to ask Sasuke to be my boyfriend today- ah! I'm so nervous! Help me!" and he was going to hate that day forever. Naruto hadn't been rejected that day, that was amazing, but he would hate that day because of what happened the next year.

At the age of seventeen, coincidentally when his parents weren't home, Naruto came stumbling into his room in a fit of tears; his blond friend had a spare key to their house so he wasn't surprised to see him just waltz into his room. What really surprised Shikamaru though, was the state his best friend was in; for a lazy guy, he was quite fast when speeding over to his crying friend- best friend and engulfing him in a hug. "Naruto, what's wrong?" Shikamaru asked while slowly maneuvering the blond to his bed, not knowing what else to do since he hadn't interacted with his best friend this much, ever since he started dating Sasuke; the two of them were inseparable so he hardly spent time with Shikamaru and his parents anymore.

"He's gone" the blond mumbled in response, practically sobbing into Shikamaru's shoulder, his words muffled by the fabric of his best friend's shirt. Not able to understand what his friend said, Shikamaru pulled back a little, still holding Naruto.

"What did you say?" he asked carefully, not wanting to send Naruto back into his previous crying state, he was less hysterical now.

"Sasuke, he's gone- he just up and left- no note, nothing- we're almost adults, what kind of fucking childish behaviour is this? I'm so done! I'm tired, he didn't even break up with me or anything, he just left in the middle of night; what makes it worse is that we were having a sleepover and it made me think that I'd get to see him the next morning- but no, he's gone and I don't know what to do" Naruto explained, trying his best to not cry even harder, failing ultimately

"Breathe, Naruto" Shikamaru advised, being uncharacteristically affectionate -according to others- as he pulled back slightly, cupping Naruto's cheeks to wipe away the ongoing tears as he gave his best friend the silence he needed. He let the blond lean on him as the waterworks stopped eventually. Naruto had exhausted himself with all the crying, ending up with him falling asleep soon after, Shikamaru standing up to go downstairs as he heard his parents outside. "Naruto's upstairs, he's sleeping" he said, leaving out the reason why he was even here in the first place.

"Oh, I thought he wasn't coming over today" his mother stated, taking off her shoes before stepping into the house. That was true, he had already informed them that he wouldn't be able to visit today because something came up, so he wasn't surprised by the reaction his parents had given him.

"Yeah...but, he missed me too much to stay away from me for that long, he just had to come over and see me, he's tired because he was playing around a lot, that's why he's sleeping" Shikamaru replied, quickly coming up with a believable lie on the spot. His parents seemed to believe him, so he was alright for a while. Now, how was he going to deal with Naruto?

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