[Chapter 15] "Power Hungry"

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(???? #3) - "Enough you two. We came here to discuss the operation of the plan tonight. Mizuchi will gather the dead dragons from the burial site we found down south near the Demon Forest and bring them to the front gate while I take out the main gate guards so that we can sneak our way in to bring chaos to the whole kingdom. Does that sound good to everybody?"

(Katawa) - "Yes, master Tennin."

(Mizuchi) - "Certainly yes, our Lord likes this plan very much. I can hear him telling me that it is perfect."

(Tennin) - "Let us set our plan into motion..."


In the Dungeon

So Nightmare and I have been getting along better these next few days. This is probably due to him being like a permanent roommate that constantly talks to you. It is nice to be able to chat with somebody else though.

He used to annoy the shit out of me which he probably does on purpose. This is probably due to his [Annoy] skill that I saw in his status, but he is nice... for a demon.

(*Nightmare*) - "..and that was the story on how I got my first kill."

(*Alderam*) - "Yeah okay, do you know anything about a system that speaks to you?" I have been hearing a lady-like voice talking and wondered if this happens to everyone or if I'm special.

(*Nightmare*) - "Hey, do you even care about my story! Ugh, and no, I've got no idea what you are talking about there buddy. You are hands down the strangest dragon I have ever met. First of all, you are an adult at 5 years old. Second, you act nothing like a dragon because I have never met a dragon that is scared of spiders as much as you are."

Alderam doesn't know this but Nightmare has been thinking about this since they met...

(*Nightmare*) - "Since we will be bound together for a long time, I wish to be no secrets kept from one another. Please answer this truthfully... who or what the hell are you?"

Back to Leo Ellie P.O.V.

I wake up and look around and I seem to be in a dark room with concrete walls all around. My hands are bound and I have a huge headache. I feel a burning sensation in my chest and look down to see that there are stitches and bandages wrapped around my stomach. 

When creating the proper magic circle for the heal spell, the circle shatters and I realize that there is something blocking my magic so I can't escape. It makes sense or how would he be able to keep anyone down here.

(???) - "Seems like you finally woke up. He told me you would be a great addition to our group with your healing capabilities, but I can't believe the holy magic coming off from you."

(Ellie) - "Who are you and where is my team!"

(???) - "I don't really feel like answering that question and I don't really care about your team. He just needs you for a little bit of healing right? He didn't say anything about having some fun with you before he came."

A sinister smile appeared on his face as he moved closer but then stopped. Seeing a hand on his shoulder and feeling a horrible aura made him wet himself.

(Leo) - "Mizuchi, move before I take your head off..." The man called Mizuchi moved out of the way and ran out of the room. "The only reason that I'm with these idiots is to give me more connections. Even though their so-called 'God' is the dragon I'm hunting. Now then, back to-" He gets cut off by Ellie.

(Ellie) - "Go to hell!"

(Leo) - "Feisty little one even after having a huge wound on your chest, you are still yelling like a banshee. Since you refused my generous offer earlier, my new offer is going to be nothing because you had to be a stubborn little bitch."

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