[Chapter 25] "Mother"

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(Hikari) - "Shut up, if you weren't an important figure, I would kill you right here right now. By the way, if you touch or move him, I'll make you suffer."

The king finally passes out.

Hikari gets into her dragon form and lays down next to Alderam...

Spooning him of course.



*Ellie P.O.V. *

When I walk through the door I see a long hallway with a... tiny room at the end? How the heck do I get out with no exit?

I stand inside the room and see two little up and down arrows within a circle. I poke the upward arrow and I immediately regret my decision. The door slams shut and I start to fly upwards at insane speeds.

(Ellie) - "I'm going to be sic...blergh!"

The door slowly opens like nothing just happened with a little ding at the end. I crawl my way out of the tiny room and I see that I am in a cave with an orange button at the end.

(Ellie) - "[Heal]!"

I push myself up and carefully move over to the orange button. I then poke it and sprint my way back to where I was before. Thank God, the door opened. I walk out and take in the scenery as I am now on the top of a mountain.

(Ellie) - "Finally feels so much better being outside. Now that I think about it, I should probably apologize to that weirdo for the events that occurred in the tiny room (Sigh). Where is the nearest town, my party must be worried sick."

I learned that this is the same dungeon that my party and the dragon raided earlier, so I need to find the entrance to the dungeon to figure out where I need to go. 

I eventually find my way and start to head towards the town. I'll need to be careful considering that I am alone and not much of a fighter.

*Timeskip 7 Days*

I managed to get my way there quickly with the help of a traveling merchant. I ended up healing his wife's sickness which gave me a free ride to the town.

(Merchant) - "If you need to sell anything in the future, I'll give you a special discount. Farewell!"

(Ellie) - "I will, thanks for everything!"

When I arrive in the town, I rush to the guild not forgetting to thank the merchant's family and the carriage driver.

I stop before entering the guild because I see many adventurers bursting out of the guild rushing their way out of the town toward the Kingdom of Dawn. I wonder what is going on here?

I walk in and talk to the guild receptionist.

(Ellie) - "What is going on, did something happen?"

(Lily) - "Didn't you hear, the Kingdom of Dawn is being attacked. It is probably coming to a close, but there is a 1 gold coin reward to whoever joins."

If the adventurers are heading to Dawn then that can only mean my party is there! I need to head out as soon as possible!

(Lily) - "It is really unfortunate because the hero Leo still hasn't shown up apparently. The power balance of the world is going to shift with the destruction of a kingdom."

I turn around and narrow my eyes.

(Ellie) - "Thank you very much, I'll be on my way."

I see the same Merchant I encountered unloading goods onto the ground from his carriage.

Reborn as a Dragon!?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora