[Chapter 39] "Him"

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*Back with the Heroes*

Around 6 heroes can be seen waking up on the 25th floor of the dungeon of demise.

(Random Classmate 1) - "Ugh, what the hell happened?"

(Random Classmate 2) - "Where am I?"

(Random Classmate 3) - "Who are you?"

(Hina) - "Who... am I?"


Chapter: 36

*In the Private Prison*

A hero can be seen with dead eyes. He has been locked in here with no hope ever to escape. His old friends never even came for him even though they knew he was imprisoned here.




(????) - "Hello, you son of a bitch."



*3rd P.O.V.*

(Arthur) - "Damn, Daisuke, you really screwed up the plans I had made. You're so weak that he didn't have much to work with. If only Leo didn't lose to that human boy."

Daisuke slowly widens up his eyes and asks in a dead tone.

(Daisuke) - "W-what a-are you on about bastard?"

(Arthur) - "Do you really think it is a coincidence that the heroes got chosen for a random 'demon' to possess them? *Sigh*, Leo, that moron killing a hero, but it can't be helped. I planned on using you all to take out the only factor that could ruin my plans. That damn dragon."

Arthur then pulls out something from an invisible box that makes Daisuke's eyes widen in shock.

(*Daisuke*) - "He can use space magic? Oh my god..."

Arthur smiles, and all that it is is the head of another Arthur.

('Arthur') - "You see, the king was fairly troublesome, so I had to deal with him."

The 'king's' body starts to melt and grow to show an 8-foot tall archdemon with tribal tattoos over his body.

('Arthur') - "Pleased to make your acquaintance; this one is named Baal, also known as the demon king."

(Daisuke) - "What do you want with me!?"

Ignoring Daisuke's question, Baal asks one of his own.

(Baal) - "Do you know why I am telling you all of this?"

(Daisuke) - "Are you going to kill me?"

(Baal) - "Good guess, but no. Out of all the humans in this kingdom, you have the darkest heart making you my greatest asset. How about I let you out of this blasted place, and you do me a favor."

(Daisuke) - "Go fuck yourself."

(Baal) - "Oh ho, you got quite the mouth for a child. However, you don't have a choice in the matter."

Baal then tears off the jail bars and places his hand onto Daisuke's head. Naturally, the dungeon is soundproof, so no one from the outside can hear the screams.

*In an Undisclosed Location*

On top of the world's highest mountain, a large structure can be seen. Outside, a fairly small blue dragon seems to be flying full speed towards the top.

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