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Jeongguk stood wordlessly in the kitchen as he watched Taehyung walk away, still sucking on the skin of his fingers. His sweats feeling too heavy around his waist and his cheeks flushed. Taehyung always did this, teasing him and running off. He hated, he really really hated it.

The brunette groaned, turning back to the stove as he took the stew off the stove and placed it on the table, a place mat sitting beneath the metal pot. He walked to the half bath that was downstairs. Going inside and turning on the sink, before splashing a bit of cold water on his face.

After doing so he looked down to see if he had calmed down a bit, seeing that he hadn't he uncomfortably reached down and re-adjusted his pants. Once he was sure that Taehyung couldn't notice his issue he made his way upstairs. His pace slowed down once he reached their room, cautiously pushing the door open.

He peeped through the little crack of the door, Taehyung was laying on the bed reading that erotica novel he just bought with those glasses that Jeongguk despised for all the wrong reasons.

He opened the door and shuffled in quietly, walking over to Taehyung's side of the bed. Reaching out he tapped his shoulder, leaving it there for a quick minute before he withdrew.

"Can you come down stairs so we can eat dinner, I just have to get the plates out so it won't be that long of a wait."

Taehyung didn't reply, all he did was wet his index finger before turning the page of his book. Jeongguk sighed before reaching out
and grabbing the book from his hands.

"You can't sit up here all day reading that stupid erotica novel, I just made a whole bunch of food yet you don't want come and eat."

Taehyung flipped over to lay on his side, smothering his face with his pillow, "The only thing I wanna eat is chu, but you don' wanna give me a compliment." His speech came out a bit slurred because of the pillow prohibiting some movement of his lips.

"Don't tell me you're still hung up on what happened down stairs."

"Well you obviously are because I can see it through your sweats, by the way you aren't good at hiding your arousal." Taehyung grumbled back.

Jeongguk flushed a bit before readjusting his sweats once again, "Stop being a baby and come eat."

"I can't walk when I'm in these conditions." Taehyung threw his leg over a stray pillow on their bed, hissing when it touched a slither of his bulge, "Maybe if you would just compliment me."

"Don't tell me you're doing this."

The newly red head peaked up from beneath the pillow, "I am"

"Can't you just jerk off or something." Jeongguk whined.

"I don't wanna jerk off, I want to fuck you. What's not clicking."

Jeongguk sighed heavily, before he raised his hands in defeat, "You know what, that's it I'm going downstairs because you cannot be serious."

He made his way towards the door ready to leave so he could enjoy his meal but noisily in the background Taehyung abruptly sat up, covering his bulge with the pillow he had against his face.


Jeongguk slowed his pace so he could hear what the other was asking, "At least let me eat you out first!"

To say that he was annoyed would be an understatement, "What is eating me out gonna do?"

"If you let me eat you out I promise I'll come and eat dinner."

Jeongguk turned around to give Taehyung a glare, crossing his arms over his chest, "Taehyung."


"Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"Fine, but do not- and I mean do not expect
this to become a routine thing."

"T-Taehyung the food's gonna get even colder than before." Jeongguk whimpered into his pillow as he felt Taehyung enter him for the fifth time.

"Just one more round." Taehyung grunted, shoving his head into the crevice of the latter's neck and shoulder. His hand hooking around Jeongguk's leg lifting it up higher so he could press himself deeper inside.

"B-But you said that last time." It had came out slurred, but was coherent enough for his lover to understand.

"Well I'm saying it again."

Jeongguk could feel his breath on his skin, his body incredibly sensitive to the sensation. It made him squirm in the latter's grip, but Taehyung had other plans.

He removed his head from the nook of his shoulder and found Jeongguk's lips with his own. Kissing him harshly as he finally began to move his hips.

To Jeongguk, Taehyung's lips felt and tasted god sent. He had loved everything about them, from the raspberry flavor they had attained to the way they would leave his own bruised.

To Jeongguk, Taehyung was god sent, especially with the way he was moving his hips right about now. The feeling of his cock dragging against his walls was like no other.

It always left a tingling sensation behind after each slow thrust he was delivering right now. One that would make Jeongguk's eyes flutter open and shut sporadically.

He couldn't help but to mewl in the latter's mouth and scrape his nails down his back. Two things of which he knew Taehyung enjoyed.

Even though he was caught up in the wonders of his pleasure his mind would flutter back to Taehyung.

Which is why he tried to keep his eyes open. He liked knowing if he was truly pleasuring the red head. His expressions being something that Jeongguk longed to see.

And god were they worth it. Taehyung's lower lip sat lazily beneath his own, sitting there as he was incapable of kissing the younger much longer. The vein in his neck straining against his tan, golden skin, leading up to his chiseled jaw that sat clenched and would quiver every time the younger would tighten around him.

This was heaven for the both of them, one of which neither wanted to leave.

(A/N: I didn't proof read cause i just really wanted to get this chapter out but enjoy.)

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