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Awoken by a knock at the door, I slowly get out of bed and head downstairs to the door. Opening the door a little to peek outside, I see Hiccup standing there with worry in his eyes.

"(Y/N), when did you come back home? I was worried."

I look away, trying to hide my tear stained face from him, "Why aren't you with your girlfriend?" My voice cracked a bit at the end of my sentence.

He looks at me with a shocked expression, "What are you talking about, (Y/N)?"

"Don't act dumb. I saw you and Astrid earlier. It's obvious that you wanna be with her, so leave me alone." I slam the door shut and lean against it.

Hiccup tried to open the door, but had no luck and started banging on the door, "(Y/N), come on! She kissed me! I didn't kiss her!" He kept trying to open the door, but I wouldn't move, "Please, (Y/N). Just talk to me." He begged in a softer tone.

I said nothing and waited for him to leave. It took a few minutes, but he finally left and I finally broke down, crying. 'Why me? Why must I have these feelings?' I thought to myself. I hid my face in my knees and kept crying. This was supposed to be a good day for me and Luna, but instead, here I am, crying my eyes out.


The next day, me and Luna headed out of the house, letting Toothless go find his rider. I sigh and start walking to the market. Trying to avoid Hiccup and Astrid, I kept my head down and Luna stayed close to my side.

"Hey, is that (Y/N)?" I heard a familiar voice call out and look up to see Ruffnut and Tuffnut running over to me. "(Y/N)!" They said in unison before hugging me with all their might.

I try to wiggle my way out of their grip, but was unable to do so, "Guys, this is a bit uncomfortable."

"They just missed you is all." Turning to the voice, I see Fishlegs with his dragon, Meatlug. "We all did, really."

I looked at the twins, then at Fishlegs, and then at Snotlout who was trying to act all cool. Sighing softly, I look down, "Thanks for trying to make me feel better guys, but I'm not really in a good mood today."

I finally get out of the twins grip and walked off with Luna, "We give her a hug, but she's still upset?! It usually works!"

Ruffnut just watched me and Luna walk away with a concerned look, but I just kept walking, not looking at anyone.


As we walked through the village, I decided to go see Gobber for a bit, "Hey, Luna. Let's go see Gobber real quick. I need a new sword."

Luna agreed and started walking ahead of me a bit. As we get closer to the blacksmith's shop, I can see Hiccup behind the counter, working on a saddle. I ignore him and look at Gobber, "Hey there, (Y/N). What can I help you with?"

"I need a new sword if you can help me out."

He just smiles and hands me a bundled up sword, "Just finished it this morning. Best piece of equipment I've ever made if I do say so myself."

I unwrapped the sword and took it out of its case. Looking at the sword, I noticed that it had a blood red tent to it and looked at Gobber, "What kind of material did you use?"

His smile grew wider, "Meatlug helped me out with that. She and Fishlegs found some interesting material in a mountain on the Edge and brought it back for me to use. Pretty neat, huh?"

I look at the sword once again and nod in agreement, "It's beautiful." I look at the handle and see a beautiful blue sapphire at the end of it, "You went all out with this one, huh?"

He chuckles and comes around to put his hand on my shoulder, "Made it special just for you, (Y/N). Had a feeling you needed a new sword sooner or later."

I smile and put the sword back in its case, "How much do I owe you?"

Gobber shakes his head, "No charge. It's a gift just for you."

I nod and start walking away, but not before noticing that Hiccup was watching me the entire time I was there.

As I walk away from the blacksmith's shop, I hear Hiccup calling for me, "Hey! Wait up (Y/N)!" I sigh and stop, seeing Luna give Hiccup a warning look, "(Y/N), can we please talk about what happened? Please? I don't want our friendship to end because of a misunderstanding."

I clinched my jaw and balled up my fist, "A misunderstanding? Is that what it is, Hiccup? From what I saw, you didn't try to stop her from kissing you." I pointed my finger at his chest and poked him really hard, "I especially didn't see any signs of you not enjoying the kiss either! So why should I listen to you after you tore my heart to pieces?!"

Before he could say anything, I jump on Lunas' saddle and she started flying off with Hiccup calling after us. Doing my best not to cry, I kept an eye on the horizon before us, "Let's go exploring Luna." Luna gave a satisfied croon and flew faster.

The Second Night Fury (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now