Oh No

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A few weeks passed since I found out I was pregnant and that Toothless and Luna were going to be parents, but it still feels like a dream. Dagur came for a visit and was surprised to know that Hiccup and I were having a baby. He had a huge smile on his face the entire time he was here.

"I can be Uncle Dagur, right, (Y/N)?"

I look at him and smile softly, "Of course, Dagur. Just don't try to teach the baby how to be a berserker."

He grins, "Now why would I do that?"

"Because that's how you are." We turn around to see Hiccup walking up to us with the other riders, "Knowing you, Dagur, the first thing you'll do when the baby starts walking, is teaching it how to wield a sword."

I giggle softly and look at Dagur. He had the look of him deep in thought and then nods, "Good point."

Astrid came and sat next to me, wrapping a pelt around my shoulders,  "Don't need you catching a cold."

I nod and pull the pelt closer to me, "Thanks Astrid. It's awesome to know that we're best friends now."

She hugs me and smiles a big, goofy smile. Hiccup sits on the other side of me and lays his hand on my knee, rubbing it gently. I bite my lip a bit and then hear some crashing.

We all turn to look at where the noice was coming from and saw Toothless rushing towards us, "What is it bud?"

He latches onto my sleeve and gently pulls me towards my hut. That's when it hit me. I look to Hiccup and smile, "They're Hatching!"

Hiccup goes wide eyed and hops onto Toothless, pulling me with him as Toothless took off towards my hut. The smile never leaving my face.


As we landed in front of my hut, I jump off and sprint inside. Luna looks at me with excitement and croons at me. I walk over and sit with her, watching the eggs crack open one by one. Hiccup and Toothless stood behind us, watching the beautiful miracle unfold in front of them.

One egg bursts open and the little dragon rolls into my leg. I giggle and pick it up, "Well hello there little one."

It croons a little and looks around. I get it in front of Luna and Toothless and they automatically started cuddling they're new baby. Then, two of the other eggs burst open. The little ones looking around for their parents.

As the three new dragons cuddle with their parents, we waited patiently for the forth. Unfortunately, it wasn't moving around. I look at Hiccup with worry in my eyes.

"You don't think..."

Hiccup looks down and tears start to blur my vision. We sat there, crying for a few minutes, until we heard scratching noises. We look at the egg and see it moving a bit.

We get a little closer and watched with amazement. After a few minutes of the egg moving, it finally burst open, the little dragon sitting on its head.

I giggle softly and pick the baby dragon up. It looks at me and cuddles into my neck, "You're just a little love bug, aren't you?"

Hiccup sits next to me and pets the baby dragons head, "That it is. Wasn't expecting it to get attached to you that quickly."

Luna comes over and nudges the baby dragon a little, getting it's attention. The little one jumps out of my arms and nuzzles Luna. I smile and lean my head on Hiccups' shoulder, "It's beautiful."

Hiccup nods and wraps his arms around me, "Not as beautiful as you though." With that said, he kisses my cheek softly and pulls me onto his lap.

I smile even more and cuddle into him, slowly drifting off into a deep sleep.

The Second Night Fury (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now