Something Strange

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It has been a month since Luna and I left Berk and we are almost back to the island we call home, "Alright, Luna. Let's let them know we're home."

Luna let out a plasma bolt into the air above Berk and we could hear everyone cheering. I shake my head and see a silhouette heading towards us. Sighing softly, I lean back and look at the dragon rider heading for us, "Where have y'all been?"

I look at Hiccup and frown a bit, "We found something strange, Hiccup. You and your dad need to see it."

Hiccup gives me a concerned look and nods softly, "Then let's go get dad."

I nod and we fly off to find Stoic. I just hope we get back to where those hunters are in time.


"Dad, you need to come with us. (Y/N) found something." Hiccup says as we burst through the blacksmith's shop where Stoic was taking orders from villagers.

He looks over at us with a shocked expression, "What are you going on about? What did (Y/N) find that is more important than taking care of the village?"

Hiccup opened his mouth to speak, but I was a bit faster, "Dragon hunters and a lot of them chief."

Everyone became real quiet and gave me weird looks. Stoic stepped a bit closer, lowering his voice a bit, "Where?"

I look him in the eyes, "They're heading this way. That's why I've been gone for a month sir. I was trying to figure out what they were up to." I pause and look down, sighing softly, "They want our dragons."

Gasps were heard from the villagers and Stoic stood up straighter with a serious look in his eyes. I gulped a bit, "There's one other thing you need to know."

Everyone's eyes were on me now. I look up, taking a deep breath, "A berserker by the name of Dagur is helping them."

"What?!" Hiccup exclaimed loudly, "Why is he helping them?"

I turn to Hiccup with sad eyes, "He wants revenge."


Hiccup, Stoic, and I were flying towards the hunters as fast as we could. The rest of Hiccups' gang and Gobber were tagging along as well.

"Alright, (Y/N). You know more about them so far than we do. Tell us everything you know." Stoic ordered out.

I sigh and turn around on my saddle, look at everyone, "These hunters aren't like the berserkers'. They have more weapons than Odin's armory. They've also got cages that are made of a dragon proof material that I've never seen before."

"(Y/N), please turn back around. I don't want you to fall." Hiccup interrupted me with a concerned voice.

I grin, stand up on Lunas' saddle, and jump off. Everyone gasped and screamed my name until they see wings come out from my back. I fly back up towards them and showed them the baby dragon holding onto my back, "Baby Razorwhip dragons are blind until they grow up a bit more. This little guy was all alone, so I took him in."

Everyone stared in awe, except for Astrid who was just rolling her eyes.

I fly closer to Luna and get back on her saddle, "Now, as I was saying, don't let your dragons get trapped in one of their cages. We won't be able to get them back out if they do."

Everyone nodded and I looked ahead of me, catching sight of the hunters. I look at Stoic and pointed towards the ship's, he nods and we land on a nearby island that was close to the ships, "(Y/N), is this where they were when you found them?"

I look over at Stoic, "They weren't this close to Berk. They're getting closer to us."

"So, what are we gonna do?" Hiccup asked, getting closer to me.

I sigh, "We need to make sure they don't get any closer to Berk. We don't want to lose our dragons."

I stand up and put the baby Razorwhip in the pouch on Lunas' saddle, "Stay here."

Before anyone could protest, I start walking through the woods down to the beach.


"Ah! (Y/N)! Good to see you again!" I look at Dagur and cross my arms.

"What do you need this time Dagur? I'm very busy."

"Oh, right. I was hoping you could help us find some dragons since you know a lot about them." He looks me up and down while talking.

I roll my eyes, "Why do you need dragons,  Dagur?"

He looks at me with a confused look, "Well, we're making an army of course. Did you not figure that out the first time we met?"

I narrow my eyes, "I'll see what I can find."

He nods and walks back to his camp. I start my walk back to the others. Hopefully they can help me come up with something.

The Second Night Fury (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now