How you met

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Pony: Track

Everyone cheered as the under 14 track boys crossed the finish line you watched your crush Ponyboy bent over putting his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath. You were thinking of going over to him but you were too embarrassed until you saw Pony look at you and wave. You couldn't believe that he actually waved to you. You smiled and waved back walking down the steps towards him you finally reach the track where he was standing.


'Hey' he said still out of breath'

'I saw you run before your really good, congratulations on coming first tonight'

'Thanks' he said blushing 'yeah i've seen you around too, your in Mr Syme's english right?'

'Yeah I am, anyway I gotta go my mum will be waiting for me'

'See ya around'

You started to walk back till you heard pony call your name.

'Y/N wait' you felt a hand on your arm as you turn around to face pony once again

'I was just thinking are you free this Saturday to go to the movies with me?'

'Saturday, yep I should be free'

A smile of relief washed up on his face

'Great i'll see you there then'

'Ok cool see you there, bye'


Dally: At the Dingo

Just like every other normal day at the diner you were wiping down the tables while catering to customers who came in. You were busy cleaning the table when you heard the bell ring, ignoring the sound as usual you continued cleaning. The sound of heavy dark footsteps drew your attention peering up looking at the person in a leather jacket wearing a silver necklace. You saw his cold brown eyes you quickly looked away from his hard gaze and continued cleaning. 'Y/N would you mind taking this one' Your co-worker asked you pointing to the guy that had just walked in. 'Yeah sure' you said while putting the dirty cloth in the back pocket of your work pants and grabbing the notepad and pen with the other.

'Hello i'm y/n and i'll be serving you today are you ready to order?' you said meeting his brown eyes.

'Um yeah do you sell hot dogs? Because you know how to make a wiener stand' you tried to ignore his comment that made you blush

'Um no we don't sorry but would you like to order something else'

'Yeah but first let me say that gurl, you remind me of a box of chocolates...why? Cause I want to take your top off'.

'Do you want to order something off the menu or not' you said starting to get a bit frustrated

'Oh yeah sorry' he said looking back down on the menu 'Now lets see what on the menu? Me-n-u'

'I'm already taken'

'Are you trying to flirt with me'

'Seriously? With you I don't think so' You heard the bell ring followed by the sound of a door closing, suddenly you felt and hand grab your butt. You whipped around to see a Soc behind you, before you could control yourself your hand was on his cheek almost sending his head flying.

'Oi who do you think you are'

'Hey baby what do you say you wanna come for a bit of a ride with me' the soc said taking a swing at his beer.

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