Study date: Johnny

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Okay listen up class, as you all may know we have a science assignment due next Thursday and your all going to be partnered up so lets start with Jason and April, Kathleen and Micheal, Elise and Daniel, Y/N and Johnny'

From the moment the teacher called out my name and Johnny's I lifted my head from the desk my heart jumping with excitement after all the group assignment I was finally going to be with Johnny Cade the guy who I have been crushing one since forever I couldn't wait I was finally going to talk to him and touch him and sit next to him I felt like I was going to faint right then and there. I looked at the table across from me to see Johnny staring at me his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes looking straight at mine we both shared a small smile before listening to the instructions the teacher was giving but ask anyone if I was listening to anything she was saying of course not my mind was flooded with Johnny. The school bell rang interrupting the teacher as everyone dismissed themselves

'Hey Y/N' i heard someone say taping my shoulder I turned around to see no other than Johnny

'Hey' i said shyly

'Hey ummm i pretty stoked that your my partner for this assignment i've been with everyone in class but never with you'

'Yeah i was thinking the same thing' I instantly regret saying it

'So I was thinking you wanna come over to my buddy's house and work on the assignment there?'

'Sure why not at least we can get it out of the way'

'yeah,I'll see you at 4 then' he said rubbing his neck shyly

'See ya then' I wanted to scream so bad I was finally going to hang out with Johnny i couldn't wait. I ran home as soon as I could pick out my best outfit that I had and replied my makeup.

I walked up the steps of a small white house. Knocking. A few seconds later an older guy opened the door he was pretty attractive and had huge muscles his eyes were a cold blue

'You must be Y/N? I'm Darrel'

'Hi' I said shaking his hand feeling like my heart was about to rip through my chest

'Right this way'

I entered see Johnny sitting on the floor placing papers on the coffee table

'Hey Y/N How are you?'

'I'm g-good, I brought popcorn' I said nervously pulling it out of my bag

'You didn't have to do that'

We work on our assignment for a few hours until a boy who looked a little older than us stubbled through the door

'Ohh hey guys, who's the broad Johnny?'

'This is Y/N we're working on a school assignment together'

'That's what they all say, so your Y/N the girl Jonnhy's been talking about every since I don't know as long as I can remember' i blushed

'Hey cut it out Dal, don't mind him he's always like that to everyone'

'Yeah i've seen him around' I looked down at my watch 'Oh shoot it's almost 7 I got to get home for dinner or else my mum will be looking all over town for me, umm thanks for having me over'

'No worries' he said tucking my lose hair behind my ears 'I'll walk ya home'

'But what about your parents?'

'They don't give a shit about me besides i'm staying here the night anyways'

'I only live about a block away from here anyways' I said while Johnny opened the door

'Hey guys i'm going to walk Y/N home okay' he yelled out

'Don't get into any mischief you two' soda called out

'Okay this is it' I said stopping outside my house 'Thanks for walking me home and all'

'Anytime I like having you around'

'Same' I giggled

'Maybe we can go out sometime, are you free Saturday?'

'Sure wanna go see a movie?'

'Sounds good see ya then' he said kissing my cheek 

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