Waxing: Twobit

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It was finally summer and it was going to be the hottest one on record so I knew that there would be a lot more pool party and going to the beach with my boyfriend Two-bit. I figured that since the gang was out and two-bit was occupied with Mickey on t.v I might as well wax my legs.

I prop my leg on the toilet seat before applying the strip. 'Okay you can do this Y/N' I said mumbling to myself 'you've done it heaps of time before it might hurt a little but it'll look great at the end, on the count of 3. . . 1, 2

'Hey Y/N are you going to eat this--' Two-bit said bugging into the bathroom

'3' I said before pulling off the strip

'WHAT ARE YOU DOING Y/N WHY ARE YOU ABUSING YOURSELF YOUR BEAUTIFUL JUST THE WAY YOU ARE' Two-bit said grabbing the strip and the box away from my hands and throwing it half way across the bathroom

'Two chill i'm just waxing my legs' I said laughing hysterically

'Oh thank god for that' he said putting his hand over his heart 'you almost gave me a heart attack' he bent down, putting his hand on his knees

'Here try it, I promise it doesn't hurt that bad'

'No get that out of my face Y/N there's no way i'm trying your stupid girly products'

'What do you mean a lot of guys wax'

'Fine I guess it can't be that bad, hey i bet mickey waxes too' he said giggling

'Your lucky that you're a good boyfriend' I said rolling my eyes 'Take off your shirt and sit down on the toilet seat' i say instructing him. I applied the wax on his chest grabbing a strip before ripping it off unexpectedly


'I told you it'll hurt'

'Well i wasn't expecting that' he said walking to the freezer to grab ice

'I can't get over that patch you have now' I said laughing uncontrollably

'Yeah no thanks to you'

'I'm sorry baby I love you' I kiss his chest making my way up to his lips

'Yeah yeah whatever love you too' he said between kisses 'Now I feel better' 

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