Cold Night: Steve

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'So I have underwear, bra, swimsuit, socks, pj's, tops and pants, jackets and sunscreen' I mumbled to myself trying to remember anything else I needed to bring on the camping trip Steve and I are going to. It was a two year anniversary and Steve thought it would be fun if we go on a 'romantic' camping trip in a field in the middle of nowhere.

'Steve!' I called out

'Yeah' he called back coming into our room

'Did you get everything ready the tent, the sleepi-'

'Oh didn't I tell you we dont need a tent' he interrupted

'What of course we need a tent were going camping remember'

'Yeah but it'll be nice if we just sleep with the night sky above us don't ya think?'

'Um no i think your fucken crazy, what if there's wolves or bears or--'

'Don't worry Y/N there nothing there, I used to camp there all the time as a kid'

'Ugh I hope it rains' I said rolling my eyes

We both loaded steve's truck and hit the road. The first hour we didn't say much just enjoying each other's company until we reached a starbucks and both had a sugar rush.

We pulled up at by a rocky driveway dividing the road from the field

'Were here' Steve said pulling up

I looked out the window to see four picnic tables scattered across the field, a meadow full of little yellow flowers further up and another couple setting up a fireplace in front of there tent.

'See Steve even they have a tent we look like weirdos sleeping outside' he didn't say anything as he unloaded the boot 'Now i really hope it rains' I muttered

After dinner we roasted marshmallows on the fire and made hot chocolate. 'This spot is perfect' Steve said placing the sleeping bags on an empty spot he found. I shivered looking around at the couple who were probably nice and warm having a great time in there tent while we were both out here without a tent and only a sleeping bag to keep us warm.

'Steve i'm freezing' I said zipping up the sleeping bag all the way trying to reduce the amount of cold air that hit my body

'Here' he said snuggling up closer to me 'Hey if this isn't enough I brought some condoms so--'

'NO Steve! Don't even think about it' I said trying to sound angry but holding in my laughter at the same time

A couple a minutes past and I felt a cold drop hit my left cheek then another and then another. Thank fuck it's running i thought, I had never been so happy about rain before

'Steve.. Steve!!!' I said giving him a nudge

'What' he said sleepy

'It's raining'

'No it's not' the moment he said that a big flash of light came from the sky followed by a crashing noise and it was no longer spitting

'See what did I tell you Steve'

'Here quickly grab the sleeping bags and i'll open up the boot' I ran as fast as I could to the car and jumped in the boot almost crashing our faces together. We giggled watching the rain get heavier and heavier

'I turned the heater on because I know that my baby girl is cold'

'Oh finally how long did it take you' I said laying on top of him

'Sorry our two year anniversary date didn't end so great' he said stroking my damp hair

'What! Who said that this is perfect it's much better than sleeping out there at least now i'm cosy and keep sleep' I giggled

'I love you Y/N'

'I love you too Steve' i said crashing my lips on his

'Shoot I almost forgot something' he said digging into his pockets

'Oh stevie it better not be those condoms again' i said in my best british accent

'No it's not here for you' he said handing me a box

'Babe you didn't have to get me anything'

'Happy two year anniversary' I opened the box to see a gorgeous silver heart necklace

'Oh steve it's beautiful I love it so much thank you'

'I love you so much Y/N' he said grabbing my waist flipping us both over so he was now on top he crashed it soft lips onto mine and we both whispered 'I love you' to each other before falling asleep. 

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