Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty 


The first time that Devon had met his Luna, Mabel, he would have described her as 'cute'. She had crazy brownish-red curls that hung around her small love-heart shaped face. Her face was dotted with freckles and her big brown eyes appeared almost innocent. And in the years following, he also always thought of her as cute.

But, as he studied her face right then, he decided that she was beginning to outgrow her cute phase. In her pregnancy, her face had filled out slightly and her face looked slightly harsher with the lines around her eyes and cheeks a little deeper than when they'd first met.

"Take a deep breath, Dev" she told him. He stared at Mabel, taking in her features as if seeing her for the first time – something to focus on instead of the horror. Her own eyes were glistening with tears but she was strong and didn't let any fall. I bet Tabby will cry, Devon thought to himself. The thought alone was enough to snap him out of his shock.

He looked up at the mayhem around him. Seth was barking orders at people, Pack members were gathered around watching in horror and Mabel sat with him on the grassy bank.

His brother was dead.

His twin, his shared-soul, his best-friend...was dead.

When he'd stormed into that house, after Mia had called to tell him that Kim had a gun pointing at Ramone, he was a couple of seconds to late. His brother's body, identical to his in every way, lay crumpled by the doorway – Kim's body a few paces away.

He'd tried to give CPR to his brother, which was ridiculous as he was shot in the head and was dead instantly. And the intellectual part of him knew that, but that initial shock and panic had forced him to throw all sense out the window and try and resurrect his dead brother.

It was only when Seth had turned up, and had to physically pull Devon away from his brother, did the true horror set in. Not only had his brother died, but he'd been murdered. If he'd only been a couple of seconds faster, maybe he could have stopped it. Maybe if he had gone with his brother that morning, he could have talked Kim down. Maybe if he...maybe, maybe, maybe. Too many maybes not enough answers.

The air was silent, everyone holding their breaths awaiting either him – or Alpha Zev – to say something. But, Devon was in too much shock and grief to say anything and Seth wasn't sure what to do.

Suddenly, a low mummer filled the clearing from the Wolves watching nearby. Devon looked up, following everyone's gaze to the beautiful woman rushing towards them. He held his breath as he watched Tabitha come running towards the house and the scene of disaster. Even though she had not been formally introduced to the pack, everyone had heard of her relationship with the twins.

"What's going on?" she screamed, her voice filled with more terror than he'd ever heard. "Devon? Ramone? What's happening?" Her head whipped around crazily, as Seth stepped in front of her before she could go any further and see the body of her mate in the house. She let the Alpha restrain her, but her eyes searched for one of her mates. She finally found Devon. "Devon. What's going on? Where is Ramone?"

Devon didn't say anything, just stared at his mate. He couldn't do it. He couldn't be the one to break her heart. He couldn't, and wouldn't, do that to the woman he loved. So he didn't say anything. And that panicked her into almost a meltdown.

"Devon! Devon! Where is Ramone? Where is he? Ramone? Ramone? Ramone?" She screamed, trying to get around Seth. No one said a damn word.

"Seth, let her go" a voice said from behind them. Devon turned slightly to see Tabitha's father, Alpha Wells, looking over at his daughter. His words weren't said as an order, it was more of a resign – as if he knew that she would have to see Ramone's body for herself. Seth realised that too and released her.

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