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A few days later

It's five minutes to one and Yu Xi Gu has yet to make an appearance. Xia De's been eyeballing the classroom clock for nearly half an hour. Yu Xi Gu is usually back a quarter before the start of the class. It's the reason why Xia De always made sure to already be in position by his table around 12:30— much to his brother's irritation— just so he could watch Yu Xi Gu walk in without looking like a creep. But he hasn't stuck to Xia De's expected schedule lately.

Xia De has admired Yu Xi Gu since 10th Grade. Not only did he consistently get the top marks in the entire school, but he also stood up against a senior, who thought it wise to bully an underclassman, all because his girlfriend kept praising Yu Xi Gu and it wounded his over-inflated ego.

Li Qiang, just like his name suggests was strong. All muscle, but no brain. He should have known that threatening, let alone hurting a student with Yu Xi Gu's grades was going to bite him in the ass. Especially when he left such obvious evidence on Yu Xi Gu's body.

ZenRen High has a very strict no violence policy and Li Qiang was a known hothead. What he did to Yu Xi Gu only made the decision final. After the senior's expulsion, Yu Xi Gu kept his distance from everyone, guarded and distrusting. Xia De could hardly blame him.

He had wanted to reach out to Yu Xi Gu, but couldn't risk becoming friends in the likely chance that he would make it into Hao Ting's radar. Though his good friend doesn't have a mean bone in his body, like Li Qiang, he's built like a linebacker and gave off the same asshole vibe.

Xiang Hao Ting and Yu Xi Gu couldn't be more different. Xi Gu was silent and studious while Hao Ting was a carefree loudmouth who found amusement in raising their teachers' blood pressure. Xia De already foresaw the arguments a mile away and the last thing he wanted to happen was Yu Xi Gu getting targeted by their posse if he inevitably gave Hao Ting a scolding.

Ge, A'Xiang and Xiao Chun are loyal to the core that it sometimes borders on a hive-mind.

Yu Xi Gu was there on a scholarship and couldn't afford any more conflicts. He's looking out for him by not introducing him to his friends.

Xia De sighs. Yu Xi Gu's been prone to dizzy spells since the stressful week of the midterm exams. Though he did look better the past couple of days, he still worries, and promptly imagines him passed out somewhere inside the school grounds. Heart jumping in place, he rises from his table and rushes to the entrance leading to the hallway when someone walks in.

It's Yu Xi Gu. 

The relief is immediate followed quickly by shocked surprised. Xia De couldn't have stopped his momentum if he tried. He slips, braces himself against the sure collision, fervently hoping that Yu Xi Gu doesn't get hurt with the impact. But then Hao Ting appears next to him, jumping in the space between them. He wraps his arms around Xi Gu protectively, his broad back catching Xia De square in the face.

"Ow." Xia De groans as he scrambles for balance, hand coming up to nurse his sore nose. "What— A'Hao?"

"Yu Xi Gu." Hao Ting gasps. Xia De looks up and finds his friend not at all listening to him. Xia De watches, eyebrows climbing up to his hairline as Hao Ting's hands move in a flurry all over Xi Gu's person like he's checking him for injuries. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?"

Yu Xi Gu shakes his head, a small smile gracing his otherwise stoic features. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Hao Ting clarifies, pressing his fingers around Xi Gu's shoulders, wide eyes blazing.

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