Coming Home To You

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A/N: This chapter took forever to edit because I just... really don't know how to write a good emotional scene leading to a kiss and I was like a fish flopping around out in the water. Hope everyone is staying safe from the CoVid-19 virus and that this nightmare will end soon.. Unbeta'd so any mistakes are my own.


Hao Ting's expression resembled a thundercloud as he stormed out the rooftop doors, his grip on their clasped hands too tight as if that was the only thing keeping him from breaking down. Xi Gu felt the tremors like he did that morning. Pulse too fast with erratic breaths. When they arrived at the ground floor, Xi Gu's worry got the best of him and he dug his heels in to forcibly pull Hao Ting to a stop.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, heart churning unpleasantly as soon as he saw Hao Ting's glassy brown eyes and the tears trickling down his cheeks. He ducked his head, hid away from Xi Gu's gaze and hastily wiped his face with trembling fingers.

The pitiful excuse of a smile Hao Ting sent him only exacerbated the worry. "I'm okay." He didn't look okay and Xi Gu was not assured in the least. Hao Ting's lip twitch was a faint thing. Like watching cracks in a dam seconds before it breaks and collapses.

"Hey, I'm here. Talk to me." Xi Gu pleaded softly, reaching for his cheek. But before he could touch him, Hao Ting crumpled to his knees.

He curled in on himself as soon as he met the floor, violent tremors wracking him from head to toe. Wet gasping noises poured out his throat, fingers in his hair, nearly rooting the scalp, looking terrified out of his mind. Xi Gu fell beside him, straddling his thighs and pulling him against his body protectively when Hao Ting began banging the back of his head against the concrete wall. 

That was fifteen minutes ago.

They're back at the clinic and Dr. Jiang is nowhere to be found. Xi Gu hoped he could examine the other boy and make sure that he didn't crack his head open after his meltdown. Hao Ting said he was fine, but he wanted a professional's assessment anyway. Maybe they can try again after classes are over. He tells Hao Ting as much who curls both hands over his shoulders and guides him inside towards the corner mattress.

Once Xi Gu is seated, Hao Ting places their lunch bags to the side table and starts going through the drawers one by one. 

"What are you doing?" Xi Gu asks, head tilting curiously, wondering what Hao Ting is up to now. 

"I'm looking for... ah! Found it!" The boy exclaims, brandishing a sky-blue, flower-printed cold compress like a trophy.

Xi Gu connects the dots and nods in agreement. They should at least get Hao Ting's head iced to stop any possible swelling. "Good idea. Your head must be hurting. I'll get the ice." He moves to get up, but Hao Ting slides up to him and pushes him back down gently.

"It's not for me, it's for you."

Xi Gu blinks, confused for a moment until he remembers Xia En's scowling face. "I'm okay. My stomach's just a little sore. But you hit your head." Hao Ting shakes said head in reply and cups his jaw, lips pressing against his hairline.

"You're more important and you don't have to worry about me, I'm used to pain." He trails off abruptly, like he didn't mean to say it, but the words just slipped out. Hao Ting's flippant regard for his own well-being makes Xi Gu want to shake some self-preservation instincts into him.

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