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Jimin was already nervous the entire night when V had informed him about successful  delivery of the love letter. Jimin planned all the things he would say to Jungkook in case of acceptance and rejection both. He practiced  in front of the mirror for hours and before he knew it, the morning  was already there. Even the classes ended but his long anticipated reply never came. 

Am I not  worthy to even receive an answer?

Jimin slumped on his desk as V patted his shoulders,

"Don't Worry Jimin, I will ask him about the letter in the council room." 

V assured him but Jimin had long lost his hope, he still managed to give him a thumbs up. 

  . .  .

V peeked inside the council room and just as he suspected, Jungkook was already there. He was always the first to arrive and last to leave. Just how determined he was!

V coughed as he entered the room and sat next to Jungkook, but the boy didn't even lift his eyes from the the papers he was editing. 

After pondering a little, V decided to ask

"Umm... so about the letter.." 


"You know the one I gave you few days ago?"



"Ah yes. I delivered your letter  to the rightful place. Should collect it after 4 days." 

V was beyond confused, was it Jungkook's way to ask for more time? 

Before V could ask anything further, rest of the club members started coming and the council work begun.  After the club, V tried to ask Jungkook again but he went with President RM to check on  the clubs. 

A bit defeated, V decided to go to his favorite place and he went to the 7th floor. Like always he peeked at the Music Room but to his dismay the classroom was locked. 

Disappointed, V dragged his feet outside, just as he exist the school he was ambushed by Jimin.

"Did you ask him?" Even though Jimin had lost confidence he still had hope. That kind of positive soul he was.

"I couldn't." It wasn't technically a lie since V really didn't understand Jungkook's message. 

"Don't worry. Tomorrow, I will for sure." V side hugged his best friend and they hit the road. 

.  .  .

Despite the promise, V really couldn't understand what Jungkook was trying to say. He kept asking him for days but jungkook would only give subtle replies and the Music club was closed for many days as well, V thought maybe it was because of the disband form. Even Jungkook didn't  want to see Pianist away from Piano or maybe it was something more? 

It had  been a week since he last saw the pianist and he missed that sensation which pianist brought him. After a war with his brain and heart, V finally decided to take a peak in the pianist class. 

Since V was in the student council, he had the access to all the students information but the problem was that he didn't know the pianist name. But he did know someone else's. 


V searched through the senior registers and finally spotted his name, class 2-B.

He swallowed the lump built in his throat and peeked inside, his luck was really terrible, class 2-B had PE and the class was empty. 

V sighed to himself, he should have checked their schedule. Just as he was about to turn he bumped into a sturdy figure.

"Ah! it's you again! you really did come for confessing your love huh!" Jin patted his shoulder as he went inside. V was utterly confused. What does that even mean?

"If you're looking for him? He's absent today." Jin took out his water bottle and went back again. 

"Wait!" V called out unconsciously. 

Jin stopped in the middle of his track. Even though he was running laps and was sweaty he still lived up to his reputation. 

"What are you trying to say?" V had a bad feeling about this.

"Don't tell me you already moved on? I'm talking about your love letter of course." 

Love Letter!

The reality hit V fast like BTS MV getting likes. 

He had only then  realized what actually had happened.

He had given the love letter to the pianist.


sorry for errors and thank you for reading.

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