Chapter 41

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I don't know how long it has been. I've been alone in this chair, tied up with my thoughts.

I thought of my family, do they know where I am? I thought. Surely someone knows that Orion and I have been gone for hours, maybe even days. Surely there are people out there looking for us.

I've had so much spare time, that I could give a description of this room in my sleep. The whole room was basically concrete. The walls and floor were extremely dirty. There was another door on the wall that I am facing.

I didn't think I would get out of here. Alec seemed to know what he was doing. He made a smart decision to not untie me. He was correct after all, I would try anything whenever I had the chance to.

I've been trying for hours to freeze the ropes and make them brittle so I can break out. Though I eventually tired myself out and stopped trying. Something was up. It doesn't normally take this much effort to try and freeze something. Burning something on the other hand, I hadn't practiced with. So it was much harder to try and do.

My head was starting to spin and I couldn't see straight. I started to feel even more weak by the second. I shut my eyes and sat still to try and fix the problem. Once I reopened them, it became worse. To the point where I couldn't make out any of my surroundings. I looked down and squeezed my eyes shut.

What is going on with me? I asked myself.

I loud creak filled my ears as the door was being opened behind me. I flinched as the sound was louder than usual. I heard Alec's footsteps become louder as he approached me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, adding a chuckle after. This bastard. I thought.

"What did you do?" I said between clenched teeth, squeezing my eyes shut even tighter as my head started to ache.

"Just a precaution." He said nonchalantly. "I saw what you were trying to do. I have cameras set up."

"That still doesn't answer my question." I opened my eyes, finally being able to see better.

"I drained some of your power to make it extremely hard for you to use them." I groaned.

"Of course you did." Is all I said. It was getting really hard to keep my cool. This must have surprised him because me looked at me as if he was expecting me to lash out at him.

"That's it?" He asked. "I thought you I would be mad."

"Well you thought wrong." I grunted out. I was infuriated. "I need to use the bathroom," I changed the subject. He looked at me, studying my face to see if I was lying.

He sighed before responding. "If you do something, so help me-"

"I'm not going to do anything," I said. "It's not like I can." I mumbled to myself. He sighed once again and walked behind me. I felt the ropes loosen after a minute. He removed the wires that were once attached to my body. Once everything was off of me, I stood up and rubbed my left wrist, which was red. My legs shook under me from how weak I was feeling. I noticed that the wires that were on my body led to the door that Alec normally comes in from. They went under the door. I stretched the rest of my body before following Alec to the door that was in front of me.

As I brought my hand out to grab the handle on the door, Alec spoke, "there aren't any cameras in there." He said. I was greatful for that. At least he knows what privacy is. "But if you don't come out in less than 5 minutes, I will break this door down." I simply nodded before opening the door and walking in, shutting it behind me. I made sure to lock the door.

I looked around and frowned as there were no windows. It was just your standard bathroom. There was a shower, toilet, and sink. Nothing more or less. I did my business and stayed in there for the remaining time.

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