Breakfast revelations

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The doors opened to reveal this beautiful large room, with classical interior architecture, huge windows which let a great amount of light into the room, and stunning furniture.
The table stood in the middle of the room. I counted 8 chair in total, 3 on both sides and 2 separated: 1 at each end.

As I was standing in the doorframe, Mr. William stood in the left seat, calmly drinking a cup of what  I assumed was coffee since it was quite a small cup.

The table on either side was filled with all kinds of food. As I was analysing the scenery, I was hit by a wonderful smell of tea, coffee, omelette, croissants and fresh fruits. The moment I identified the source of the heavenly scent, I gulped, feeling myself salivating and my stomach growled suddenly.

I stared embarrassed at Mei who was still waiting for me to enter. She didn't react at my stomach complaining. "Seems like she didn't hear it.. hopefully."

I couldn't just go and sit down like I had been living here for 16 years and I am planning on just casually having breakfast in this gorgeous dining room destined for royalty.
I was starving, yet I was not going to fall for this.
I stared angrily at the man who was the cause of all this, while still standing in the doorframe. Did he expect me to just "enjoy" myself and fall for his tricks? No way. There must be a catch in everything he does.

He looked up, and spoke "Ah, Emily, I am glad you were finally able to join me for breakfast." he said with a hint of sarcasm. "Please, take a sit" and motioned towards the parallel empty sit with his palm.

So he'd been ignoring me all this time? Touché, pretty boy.

I didn't move. "I am not hungry."

"Seriously." I, once again, facepalmed myself mentally. Was that really the best excuse I could think of in the moment?

He chuckled, wiped his mouth with a napkin and stood up with a sigh. "You really are predictable" he started, walking towards me and asked with a smile "What would a conversation with you be without you stubbornly rebelling against me?"

--------------William's POV ------------

I looked at her, carefully analysing her attire and emotions. She was indeed predictable, only in some aspects though.
Emily chose to wear the most casual and simple clothing, and looking at the long over shirt, I could clearly see her desire to cover up her body.
This rebelling of hers was understandable, yet most people in her place would have come to enjoy this place by now.
But she felt awkward, her body was tense and she looked at everything with worry, doubt obvious on her mind.
For now, she had to eat and I knew it was not going to be easy to make her do so.
I started approaching and looked at Mei, nodding. She nodded in return.


I was shocked. He once again embarrassed me. I tried walking backwards, not taking my eyes off him, but I hit my back on something, no, someone. I turned around and saw Mei.
She was blocking my way, holding my arms. I looked at her confused, opening my mouth to tell her to move, but she worded in a whisper "Sorry, miss, ..orders."

My eyelids raised up in surprise and when I turned around, William was already standing in front of me. My heart starting racing and I felt myself sweating, panicking endlessly.
I tried to walk backwards to increase the distance between us, but Mei was a stone-like impediment.

I bit my lip, my thoughts racing in my head. "That's it, I'll hit him. I've had enough of him invading my personal space." and snatched my arm from Mei's hold, going in for a punch at his chest, then a hit with my legs to slow him down. I wasn't a good fighter and that was proven a second later.

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