Late Night Snack

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Opening my eyes, it took some time for me to realise what was my current situation. I was lying on bed, the same clothes I put on earlier, under a thin blanket of caramel colour I haven't seen before.
Turning my head, I saw that it was dark outside. "What time is it?" I questioned with my mind still fuzzy.
I slowly moved the blanket and struggled to get up. I aimed for the bathroom. Almost stumbling, I turned on the light and did my business, than splashed some water on my face.

Looking in the mirror, I was glad I still saw myself, I recognised my own identity. But then I remembered I'm afraid of mirrors at night so exited quickly, making sure to close the door fully.

In my room it was dark, but the silver moon light crept in, sparkling rays guiding my way through the darkness.

I had the sudden wish to breathe some fresh night air so without hesitation I opened the balcony door. I was met with a rush of relatively cold air so I breathed in, closing my eyes.

I stepped on the marble floor and took in all the breathtaking beauty. I could see the water far away, a dark abyss. The moon, however, was reflected by the waves which created a beautiful mirrored image while the water seemed unreal as if the moon swam through the dark motion.

Suddenly feeling the need to look above, I gasped in awe. The stars.
They seemed so close and their shimmer was so bright that I thought I could reach them.
The Milky Way could be seen clearly and I even managed to see some constellations like the Big Dipper, Andromeda and Draco.

I remembered that since there was no light pollution and smog, the night sky could be seen clearly and it was incredible.

After some time, my observing of the marvelous night sky was interrupted by my stomach growling. "Way to ruin this romantic moment between me and the night sky, stomach!"

I took that as my cue to get going. "Off to a late night snack!"
I opened the door and, to my surprise, the hallway was lit up by chandeliers and sophisticated wall lights. "Well that's kind of a waste of electricity, yet better for me."
I tiptoed across the hall, my eyes half closed. I wasn't feeling sleepy, but I couldn't remove the thick cotton of sleepiness that wrapped around my mind.

"Maybe I could escape?" My sleepy mind wondered, which was, of course, a stupid preposition. I was far from prepared for an escape, especially in an unfamiliar territory in the dark.

I descended the stairs, feeling way too comfortable than I should have. Note to self: don't ever proceed with a sleepy mind. But maybe foolishly, I had no fear, I felt like if I got caught, I would just be brought back to my room.

This state of comfort that slowly crept in was worrying.

"Now the hardest part: find the kitchen." I sighed.
I knew where the dining room was, but the kitchen was another story, not to mention the majority of rooms were dark. I don't consider myself to have severe nyctophobia, but being in an unknown house in the night definitely had its toll on me and fear began to arise. "This is what happens when you listen to your basic instincts." I scolded myself.

I opened a door not too far away from the double door leading to the dining room and to my surprise it looked like I found the kitchen, or one of the kitchens.

As in the room darkness roamed, my heart started beating rapidly seeing how the light switch was not on the outside of the room. The thought of having to leave the comfort of the light from the hall was disturbing, to say the least.

But for some reason, since I was feeling brave, I took a step in and started feeling my way along the walls until I reached a light switch.

The lights flicked on and I was met with a beautiful modern, but small kitchen.
I scanned the room in search for any threats and when satisfied, I went for the fridge. It was huge and it caught my eye that it has a drink dispenser. I've always liked those.

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