Message from the subconscious

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Running. I was running towards my house, legs moving by themselves.
It was dark, and all I could hear was loud voices almost screaming.
I ran towards it, but when I yanked the door open, my so familiar home dissipated.
In front of me appeared an empty beach haunted by a thundering storm. I was observing the furious motion of the foamy waves while the dark sky merged with the dark blue of the nightmarishly deep water.
The crashing sound of the waves interweaved with the deafening shrieking of the thunders which seemed to have replaced the previous screams. This spine-chilling song of chaos arose a familiar fear in me as I realised I couldn't get home. This was my greatest fear and a reoccurring scenario tormenting me now and then.

I woke up panting and flew into a sitting position, tears flowing heavily down my cheeks, damping the sheets.
The sun rays crept through the blinds on my face and bed, the golden colour as if trying to soothe my grief.

I looked at my hands trembling and swallowed relieved I was free from the dimension in which I possessed no control. I was never able to control my dreams as they would always torture me in one way or another, but this time it was worse.

I eyed my surroundings, remembering I had been kidnapped. "I'm not home." Tears started flowing freely and quickening as I was struggling to calm down.

In this moment of crisis, I remembered what happened last night.

...the timetable and rules you have yet to respect." William said amused, but with a hint of seriousness.

I sighed deeply "Oh well here goes my hope for freedom." struggling to hide a smile.

William chuckled "Don't you worry, I'm not too tired to make sur.."... "Princess Sleep Deprivation"

I shook my head, the powerful team of fear, paranoia and overthinking taking charge of my thoughts. "Serves me right for having a good time with my captor." referring to the suggestive nightmare I had just escaped from. "I should be doing everything in my power to get back home."

I was mad at myself for allowing myself to relax when I had been kidnapped! That bastard William managed to break my safe walls. Already! I clenched my jaw.
I have to get out. I have to get home.

Jumping from the bed, I rushed to my school bag which still sat in that spot after I rushed with it outside. Guess my kidnapper brought it back. I checked all the stuff and it seemed everything was in its place.

I went to the bathroom and as fast as I could did my business and washed my face then rushed to change from this pyjamas.

Disgusted by the way I casually accepted clothes purchased by strangers, I tried to look for my school clothes, then I remembered. I placed them down in the bathroom a while ago.

As expected, when searching at the place I remembered, I couldn't find them. "Ughh whatever! At least they can do to atone for kidnapping me is to lend a few clothes." So I started to choose something to keep on for the duration of my escape "and maybe some spare clothes.."

I chose a simple black hoodie with a small butterfly on it, with a white T-shirt underneath and black jeans which I specifically chose for having good pockets and almost knee length dark grey socks. It was simple and wouldn't attract too much attention.
I also chose a liliac sweater, a spare T-shirt with a lovely floral pattern and another pair of gray socks with red stripes which I stuffed in my bag.

Content with my choice, I started to think about the plan. "Stealth, threatening, fighting or running for it. Which one will be the most efficient?"
Stealth was obvious not the best idea in the day time and just to be sure, I rushed to the balcony and checked for the workers.
I sighed, as I thought, they were all around the territory. "How long can you cut roses, mow the lawn and fix the garden?? Do they have to do this daily?!"
Pacing through the room, the thought of them having the purpose of guard dogs crossed my mind.

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