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I gulped, my eyes glued to her.
"She has a phone. She. has. a phone!" I turned fully around, both of us looking fixated at each other until she broke the eye contact to look through the device.

Veronica tightened her hold on Isabella's dress and whispered, side eyeing me "Uhh, Isabella?" while Isabella was busy looking through the object of my hope.
It seemed to be a simple iPhone, probably an older model.

I gulped, making a step forward. Without taking her eyes off the phone, she said "You know, Emily, I didn't want to do this." then raised her eyes "You still have a chance to come willingly." and looked at me, waiting.

I looked away, thinking about my choices. "If I stop now and cooperate, would I be able to ask for her phone?"
No, I wasn't diplomatic, nor was I a pleasant person for whom people may do exceptions.
I decided that I would fight my way to escape. I didn't have enough patience to try and manipulate them into liking and trusting me. I had to go home as soon as possible.

I made a step forward, Isabella looked at me. Her eyes softened "So you're coming?"
I looked at her and said slowly "Isabella..give me that phone, please." with my eyes switching from her peridot pearls to the device and back, keeping a determined and intense look on my face.

Her face became white from hearing my request. Isabella fumbled to touch a button on the screen, brought the phone to her ear and started going backwards while I walked slowly towards them.

Thinking I shouldn't let her start her call, I jumped to her, reaching for my desired glint of hope. Veronica screamed and ran to the left as I attacked Isabella.

She struggled to keep me away with her left hand as she arched her neck as far away from my hand. Despite her being almost the same height as me, she managed to keep me away as I tried to grab her hand holding the phone.

When she started speaking, I knew her call went through. While struggling, she said "Uhh, Master William.. we've go- we've got a situation. ... Yes, she got violent.. Okay.. uh.. got it." and finished with a worried look towards me. She removed her phone from besides her ear and instead extended her arm so I wouldn't reach the phone.

I was unsuccessful into preventing the conversation so I knew I had to get away with the phone before William got here.

I struggled to push her, but she was surprisingly strong. From the corner of my eye, I could see Veronica trembling not too far away from us. Suddenly Isabella called out to her loudly while fighting with me "Veronica, take the phone and go!"

I looked shocked at her as she extended her arm towards Veronica who after a moment of freezing, found the courage to get closer and grab it, before making a run for it.

I watched as my last hope for these past days was slipping through my fingers.
Now I was the one trying to push Isabella away, but she had a strong grip on my arms.

"Let me go!" I yelled desperately, looking in the direction of the way Veronica disappeared, but Isabella didn't ease her hold, instead she hugged me and held me tight, not saying a thing.

Unknowing of how much time has passed and how far away Veronica got, my hope was diminishing with seconds and crashed the moment I heard a fast pace from behind me.

I knew it wouldn't be Veronica who rushed back to give me the phone and I knew I lost this fight as I was drained of any more power.

I heard the slightly amused voice of my enemy who seemed to be breathing a bit heavily "Well what do we have here?
Figured you might get aggressive after seeing the phone, but I had to see if you would dare to fight for it."

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