Suggestive clues

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I opened my eyes staring at the light blue ceiling, feeling the now familiar firm, yet comfortable bed. I raised my torso and supported myself with a hand, looking around and blinking drowsy, trying to put my mind into function.

The last thing I remembered was reading an encyclopedia about rainforests. I concluded I was yet again brought here in the bed by someone, however, I couldn't imagine myself falling asleep somewhere random. Usually I could only sleep when I was sure I was somewhat safe, furthermore I am a light sleeper and would have most likely woken up when carried. "Weird." I thought to myself. Maybe I was really tired.

I got up and headed straight for the bathroom. I wanted a nice, relaxing shower and I allowed myself to enjoy the warmth and tickling sensation of the water, cleaning and refreshing me.

Feeling well rested, I was in a good mood. I felt confident so I snooped around the cabinets, smelling the scent of diverse variety of gels and after shower creams, even trying out some. While brushing my teeth with the taste of a pleasantly strong fresh toothpaste I took a look at the face masks and makeup.

The products had names in a language I didn't recognise. "No way, is this Swedish? Or Norwegian?" Luckily there were descriptions in English. "Was this a clue of the location of this palace? Why would they put random products in another language?"
If I was in some Nordic country, I was in huge trouble and very far away from home.

I bit my lip and put everything back, comforting myself only with the thought that so far I shouldn't have used more than 200$ of these products, hopefully.

Wrapped around in a fluffy bathrobe which was left on a hanger, I went to the closet to choose some clothes, feeling guilty as I took another pair of underwear and putting it on quickly. Then I scanned for the most simple and less expensive looking clothes.

I chose a simple white slightly oversized T-Shirt, black sport pants and grey socks.
I made sure to wash the worn underwear and neatly fold the clothes I had been wearing and leave them in the bathroom.

I even made my bed. Thinking about what was going on with me, I frowned when telling myself "Don't get too comfortable. We're leaving soon."

After arranging everything, I sat down on the bed and sighed, feeling like I had accomplished something.

I was staring down, preparing to get lost in my thoughts and think about my next move, when a knock on the door became my attention's target.

William's calm voice came from the other side "Emily? Are you awake?" I gulped, thinking about whether I had any motive to lie.

I answered right away, my voice getting ahead of my thoughts "Y-yeah!"
After a second, the door opened slowly and here stood William. I looked intensely at him, noticing that he was wearing a suit yet again, this time of a visibly darker colour.
"Why is he wearing a suit if he doesn't leave this mansion? Suits intimidate me.."

His cheerful, yet calm voice filled the room "Good morning. How did you sleep?"

I pressed my lips together "Good. How about you?" I asked in return, out of habit.

He seemed surprised for a few seconds by my unusual question in conversations with him, but responded " I slept quite well also, thank you for asking." And then approached me, looking around the room

"Are you ready for breakfast?" William inquired, meeting my eyes.

"Yeah sure." I nodded. I wasn't feeling very defiant at that moment so I agreed instantly.

While we walked towards the dining room, I couldn't help asking "Did you bring my in my room?"
William without looking at me, answered simply "Yes."

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