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Beau is making himself comfortable in my apartment, once again. It seems that I have less and less time alone these days, I sigh as his band mates crowd my living room. As I flit around my kitchen, preparing snacks and gathering drinks, I feel Beau's eyes following my every move. When I look up and catch his eye, he looks away suddenly, back to laughing with Jace at something dumb on Jace's phone.

I groan inwardly. Jace is an even bigger ass than Beau, but not nearly as charming. "Thanks gorgeous," he sneers as I hand him another beer. I hide my disgust, not interrupting the conversation as we go over the nights agenda.

For a couple of weeks now, Beau and I have followed Fiona's rigid schedule, subtly dropping cues to Beau's new relationship status, much to his millions of Instagram followers dismay. Tonight is the night we go public. It'll also be a massive payday for me if we pull it off. We're going to a night club in the city, and there will most definitely be press. But Beau's normal crowds aren't like anything I'm used to, and I can't help but worry that they'll call my bluff.

"Did you hear me?" Beau's voice is sharp as he shoots me a dirty look. "You have to be ready to leave by 9:30,"

I nod my head, recalling the event details Val, Fiona's assistant, had sent over this morning. "Believe it or not, I'm not completely clueless." I snap. All slightly affectionate feelings from our chicken parm night have been thoroughly squashed after a series of Beau's bad moods.

Beau rolls his eyes at me, before going back to his phone. Zach, the drummer and one of the most laid back of the guys, reminds me I could invite a friend, if I wanted. I think of Gemma, but the wicked glint in Beau's eyes makes me change my mind. "I'm good," I vow defiantly.

It's just one night out, how hard can it be?


The music in the club is so loud that I can hardly hear myself think, never mind follow the conversation Beau is having next to me. He insisted that we use the VIP entrance to avoid the hassle of paparazzi outside, which only confused me. Wasn't being seen the whole point? Still, I followed his lead, trusting that he probably did know best.

We're now standing in the VIP section of the club, where black leather couches and expensive bottles of champagne distinguish these guests from the "normal" people. Beside me, Beau is chatting, or rather tolerating listening to, a sultry brunette in a leather dress with string tying up the sides. She watches Beau with lust in her eyes, resting her hand on his chest as she speaks. Beau, as he normally does, looks bored. Suddenly, both of their eyes are on my face and I feel myself blush. "Sorry?" I look to Beau for clarification and wait for the attitude I'm sure will follow.

"I was just introducing you," Beau waves his fingers between us, voice raised above the music. "This is Selena," he gestures casually to the brunette.

"Serena," She squints her perfectly lined eyes at me, as if I'm the one to wrongly remember her name.

"Serena," Beau raises his brows at me. I hide a smile - it's not often that Beau and I feel like we're on the same team. The change is nice. "This is my girl, Emma." He slings his arm around my shoulder and I remind myself to keep a natural expression on my face. Tonight is one of the most important events we've had so far, and I refuse to be the one to mess it up.

"Nice to meet you," I extend a hand while leaning closer to Beau's side. Serena ignores the gesture, a disgusted scowl scrunching up her perfectly done face.

"What, are you, like, a model or something?" Serena asks as if there's no way I could possibly be a model.

"Me?" I hide a laugh. "Oh no, just regular old me," her frown grows more pronounced. Apparently, had I been a model, she could understand Beau being with me. But a regular person? The look on her face says it all.

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