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"How're you feeling about tomorrow?" Val's voice comes over the speakerphone as I scrub the cafe tables. I'm taking about a week off for band stuff after today, so I offered to close up tonight to make up for leaving Nadine short staffed. Nadine, of course, is thrilled I will be taking some time off, even though she is less than excited that I'll be traveling with Beau and the rest of the band.

"I'm not really sure. Should I feel something?" I downplay my nerves. MisFits is playing at a charity show in a few days. They're one of many bands performing, but they will pretty much be the main event. And it's my job to go support them as Beau's doting girlfriend. So far over the past few weeks, we've managed to be spotted at plenty of date spots in cities within reasonable driving distance, Beau has posted pictures of my actual face on his social media, and yet, no one has figured out my identity. Well, except for everyone in this town. This time is different though - we're headed to LA and the entire trip will be filled with publicity stuff for the boys. Naturally, Fiona has me scheduled in anytime Beau will be facing the press. It'll be the first time Beau and I step out as an official couple.

Val hesitates on the other end. We've become friends, bonded perhaps over our mutual fear of disappointing Fiona. But Val still has a job to do. "What is it?" I sigh, holding my breath for bad news.

"I'm sorry Emma. The free day you had to get situated... well, there's a pre-concert gala for the charity. Fiona needed to make sure the guys had plus ones, but..."

"Let me guess?" I mutter, locking the cafe up for the night. "They allow plus ones and of course, I'm going with Beau?"

"There's more." I wince at the tone in Val's voice, somehow knowing the worst is yet to come. "You'll have to walk the red carpet."


"So this is how you get around?" I stare up at the massive private jet, luggage in hand. My hair whips around my face as I try to take in the sight.

Beau smirks, "Scared, Emma?" He hands his guitar case to a man in a bright orange vest and motions for me to do the same with my bags.

I gulp. I've never actually been on a plane before. Still, I shake my head, "I'm a big girl. I'll manage,"

He grins  even wider but stays silent as we board the jet. Inside, lush red carpet lines the floor, large leather seats overlook the windows, and a flight attendant offers us champagne immediately. I gawk at the flute as she hands it over, quickly prompting her to offer a wide selection of other beverages, both alcoholic and not. "Um, I'll take a water," I mutter. I heard it's good to stay hydrated when you fly. Oh God, I feel sick at the thought of being so high up in the air.

"Where's the farthest you've been from home, Emma?" Tyler smiles as he settles into a plush chair, leaning back dramatically far so he is almost lying down. I find myself a seat as well, picking one by the window in case I start to feel sick - I can lean my head against the cool glass.

"Um," I look to Beau. "What's the farthest date you've taken me on?" I blush shyly.

His eyes go wide, as do Tyler's. "Well, you're in for a treat then." Tyler's grin is comforting, but barely touches the knots in my stomach. He leans back and closes his eyes, snoring in seconds. How can he sleep?

I twist my fingers together over and over, the fear kicking up a notch once the jet starts to move forward. The rest of the guys are listening to headphones or flipping through magazines, Fiona sits already at work on her laptop, using the jets wifi, no doubt. Val has to finish up some things in the office but she will arrive shortly after we do. Rocco, the bands manager, throws back a glass of whiskey and suddenly, I think maybe I should've taken the champagne.

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