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I roll over in the hotel bed and find Beau's side empty. Jumping up, I check the time knowing that there's a tight schedule for today. One that Beau especially has to follow, I curse myself for not setting an alarm, wondering what will happen if Beau misses the concert. Today's activities mainly revolve around me making sure Beau is where he needs to be, when he needs to be there.

So far, I'm late and Beau is no where to be found. Great.

I rush to the bathroom as I'm dialing Beau's number.  "Pick up, pick up, pick up," I mumble, getting the warm water in the shower started. He doesn't answer and I nearly stomp my feet in frustration. Please, just this once, let him be responsible this time. I rush through my shower as quickly as I can. As soon as I'm wrapped in a towel, I try Beau's cell again.

"Emma?" His deep voice answers above the loud sounds in the background.

"Yeah, it's me." I change into my underwear and a bathrobe, knowing Bobby and Maeve will be here at any time. "Please tell me you're at the venue for sound check,"

He chuckles and I can see his Cheshire Cat smile in my mind, "Look who's finally awake,"

"Beau, not now. Just tell me you're where you need to be." I groan, hearing a knock at the door. I run to get it, letting the stylist and makeup artist extraordinaries into my room.

"Emma, you look like you haven't even slept! You've got to work with me here," Maeve's purple hair bounces in wild curls as she shakes her head at me disapprovingly.

I give her an apologetic look but return my attention to Beau grumbling into my ear. "Yeah, I'm here. Believe it or not, I have done this before," I let out a sigh of relief and slump into my chair so Maeve can reach my face.

"Thank God, why didn't you wake me?" I ask suspiciously.

Beau's voice is soft when he replies. "You looked like you needed sleep," I bite my lip to hide my smile as Beau continues quickly, "When are you getting here?"

"One sec."  I mutter and check the schedule, noticing that I haven't actually missed that much. "I'll be there in time for the pre-show,"


"Does someone miss me?" I tease, eyeing Maeve as she dabs product to my face. She continues working without missing a beat, completely tuning me out.

Beau groans and I know he's rolling his eyes. "Just get here, alright?"

We hang up and I close my eyes, letting the soft pulls of Bobby curling my hair relax my nerves. "Today's the day, Emma." Maeve smirks, digging through her products. "Let's show everyone those freckles,"

"Do we have to?" I mutter, aware that I've lost this battle before it even started.

"Yes ma'am, we do," Maeve chirps, practically dancing as she finishes the rest of my makeup, which isn't much. "Just enough to highlight the natural beauty," she had informed me. When she's done, I lean forward to inspect the false lashes, amazed that they look so natural around my cat-like brown eyes. My delicate nose turns up slightly and my freckles glare at me in my reflection.

Bobby fingers through the curls he just finished, leaving big, soft waves instead.

"It's a charity concert, much like a music festival," Bobby explains, laying out possible outfits he wants me to try on.

I nod, hoping to exude confidence. "Right, a music festival." Instantly, my mind comes up with two possibilities: Coachella, which I've seen on social media, and the little summer concert the town council puts on back home. I gulp, hoping there's some middle ground I'm not aware of.

Closer to You (Book One ✓)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα