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The first thing I notice stepping out of the limo is the noise - camera clicking, cameramen shouting for people's attention, reporters doing interviews down the carpet. Gorgeous women and men pose for photos and speak to interviewers, flashing bright smiles and repping high end fashion labels. I recognize a few faces from my TV shows and feel like I'm in a dream. The flashes and sounds combined make me dizzy. I look to Beau, and notice how tense he is, jaw clenched and shoulders tight. For my comfort or for his, I take his hand in mine, intertwining our fingers tightly.

Val grins at us, clipboard in hand and earpiece in. "Okay, so we have to wait here for a bit, Fiona really wants the boys talking to that woman," Val points a pretty woman with auburn hair out to us and explains the process of waiting for the right interviews and taking pictures in between. The interviews aren't so scary - I mean, they won't waste their time asking me questions, I'm sure. I pull at the itchy fabric of my dress, painfully aware of the straps on my heels and the heaviness of my earrings.

"Why aren't we getting pictures?" Jace isn't completely sober and I can tell Val is out of her element. Where are Fiona and Rocco? They were right behind us on the drive over. She shushes Jace discreetly, trying to keep him still.

Zach tries to get Jace to quiet down, but his voice only gets louder. "Let's get some fucking pictures, man!" I roll my eyes at his drunkenness, partly wondering how it's Beau that gets them in trouble, but mostly still dizzy from the whole environment and unable to really focus.

"Ready?" Beau whispers into my ear so only I can hear. Before I can respond, Val is ushering us along the carpet, pointing to our exact spot. "Too late," he chuckles into my hair.

The camera flashes never stop, they only lull as the boys get themselves posed. I look to Val, unsure of what I should be doing but Beau pulls me closer to him anyways. Val follows closely, helping to straighten my gown behind me and adjust the guys ties. Staring into the lights like this is blinding, so I focus on not squinting, assuming that won't look great in photos. I feel Beau's long arm wrap around my waist, bringing me close to his body. I wonder if I should smile...  Beau as normal, is not smiling. I can tell he's uncomfortable, but he looks confident... or at least like he doesn't care. I focus on that, hoping to project the same energy in my expression.

The posing lasts only a couple of minutes, but it feels like much longer. The boys make it look effortless - their movements in sync to change position naturally together. They're at ease, soaking in the attention. Beau almost nails the part but his eyes give him away. Between the hair and the makeup... no one is able to see them that well anyways - maybe that's the point.

"Okay, we're up," Val nudges us forward, towards a pretty young woman I recognize from a show Nadine talks about. "Oh, Emma. You did great," Val smiles at me warmly before urging me onward. I give her a soft smile back, grateful that she's here with me.

The actress introduces the band and they chat for a minute or so about the upcoming album and tour. Zach and Tyler answer most of the questions, while Jace throws inappropriate jokes in when he can.

The actress turns to Beau. "Should we expect more of the same like from your first album?"

"Nah. Well it'll be similar to some of the heavier stuff on the first album," Beau answers another question about their sound before they move on.

My ears perk up when I hear Zach answer a more personal question. "Oh, no. Sophie was supposed to come with us to LA but she's actually not feeling too well," Zach smiles, an innocently handsome grin. Sophie is his girlfriend, I remember from all my Instagram research before. She's in a band, too, if I recall correctly.

"And you are?" I realize the actress has the microphone on my face now.

"I'm Emma," I smile into the camera hesitantly.

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