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"Mmm," I close my eyes and relish the rich chocolate mousse on my tongue. When I open my eyes back up, I'm met by Riley's cheeky smile and his big, puppy dog eyes gazing at me adoringly. "Thank you for taking me here," I wipe the corner of my mouth with a napkin. "I've been craving chocolate,"

"We're celebrating our three year anniversary and you don't think I know when my girl needs some chocolate?" Riley pretends to be offended in the silly way he has, never one to actually be offended by much.

"You spoil me," I wink and take a bite from his plate now that mine is gone. Mmm - peach cobbler.

The restaurant is elegant but small, seating only about fifty people or so. Candles flicker on the expertly made tables and the servers wear black bow ties as part of their uniforms. We've come here for every anniversary and birthday dinner because it's the nicest place close to campus, and despite the pricey menu, we can afford it every now and again. Three years, I think to myself. It's crazy how far we've come from our younger, less wise freshmen selves.

Noticing the quiet and the tension between Riley's brows, I ask "Whatcha thinking about?"

He shakes his head, his dark curls pushed off of his face. "David got the job offer," David is Riley's roommate and best friend - a tech genius destined to be a millionaire with one of his insane ideas. "And he only interviewed at one company. I've done like fifteen in the last week alone and I don't know. I guess I'm just worried," Riley shrugs. "I didn't realize how hard finding a job would be while finishing senior year strong."

I let out a huff in agreement. Senior year has been kicking my butt and I have the bags under my eyes to prove it. Still - the past four years turned out to be better than I could have ever imagined. "Yeah, the end just came so fast." I smile somberly, knowing I'll miss the late nights out and the late nights in, the football games and conversations that only happen after drinking too much with your best friends. And Riley, I'll always be so grateful for the day he found me in the dining hall - a friend when I had none. A friend that turned into so much more.

"Have you heard back from anywhere yet?" Riley finishes his beer and I bite my lip, not wanting to add to his worry. Knowing me all too well, a huge grin spreads across his face. "You did, didn't you? Emma! That's awesome. Where?"

"I found out on Monday. It's with the publishing house where I did my internship," A small publishing firm just outside of my hometown, I landed the internship the summer after my junior year and loved every minute of it. Combined with great coworkers, the work made me excited to go to the office every day.

Unlike other work I've had, I scrunch my nose at the final memories of working with Oliver and Zara. The more popular my face became, the more they wanted me to do and the less I wanted to do it. I pushed through till the end of my contract, making enough money to make up the difference in tuition after financial aid and scholarships, and then I dropped modeling entirely. The life wasn't for me, anyways.

"Emma, that's amazing - I'm so proud of you! Let's celebrate," Riley's eyes light up and he doesn't even ask why I waited to tell him, focused only on my success. "I know, tequila shots!" He shouts as he raises his hand to grab the server's attention.

"Um," I shake my head quickly, a distant memory refusing to be squashed no matter how hard I try. "No tequila shots. Tequila doesn't agree with me," I fib, praying he doesn't see through it. Riley knows about my past relationships and how I don't like tabloids, but still it doesn't seem fair to let him know how one relationship in particular still affects me sometimes. How the thought of tequila shots or a heavy guitar solo can send my mind reeling on any given day, or how I can't pick up my favorite book without hearing his voice telling me that I'm a nerd.

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