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Pushing through the heavy suite door, I brace myself for the full force of Beau's attitude for not letting him know where I was going and then blowing off all of his calls. Surprisingly, the long entryway into the suite is dark, the only light coming from the main room at the end of the hall. Still, I can see some of Beau's things against the wall for his departure tomorrow. I'll have to tell him I'm staying a bit longer. "Beau?" I call out, placing my bag on the hook by the door.

"I'm here," his deep voice calls from the main room, much calmer than I expected it to be.

Slipping off my shoes, I step out from the entryway and meet his gaze. "Hey," I finally take in the scene in front of me. Beau is sitting on the bed, freshly showered with damp hair and a clean face, leaning against the headboard. In front of him, a pizza box lays open with a bottle of wine beside it. "What's all this?" I find Beau's green eyes behind his long, dark hair.

Beau stands. "I felt bad about what I said before you left." His face is sheepish as I walk closer towards the bed. I tilt my head to the side, having not expected this reaction at all. "I tried to call," He mumbles, staring at the ground.

I nod my head. "I know, I was busy so I couldn't answer."

He runs his hand over his hair nervously. "I thought I could make it up to you." The words are slow to come out of his mouth as he spreads his arm to the side to show me the pizza.

I can't help it as the corners of my lips turn into a small smile. "Beau, I think the words you're looking for are 'I'm sorry,'"

Back to his normal self, he rolls his eyes and lets out a huff. "Okay, Fine. I am,"

"You are what?" I tease, my stomach growling at the scent of the greasy, cheesy pizza. Did he remember the pizza I ordered when he was drunk the other night or is it just a coincidence?

He throws his head back in exasperation. "Ugh, I'm sorry, okay? I was a dick. It was a bad joke,"

I smirk proudly, and plop down on the mattress, starving and knowing he's done the best he knows how. "Pizza and wine? Classy," I pat the bed next to me, beckoning him to join me.

Relieved, he takes his spot in bed and grabs a piece of pizza from the box. "What? It's Italian,"

I laugh, grabbing my own piece, too. We chew in silence for a few minutes and Beau drops his crust back into the pizza box before grabbing another slice. He stares at it in his hand before putting it back down, his brows knitted together in frustration.

Trying to make small talk, I point to the new hoop in his ear in place of the dangly cross he normally wears. "I like that earring,"

He runs his hand over his hair again, seemingly distracted. "Thanks," he mumbles. "So we're good, right?" His eyes are wide as they search my face.

I nod slowly, wiping my hands on a napkin. "Yeah, we're good. Can I ask you something though?"

Beau squints his eyes at me suspiciously. "Go ahead."

I take a deep breath. "So was last night like a one time thing? Was it... ya know, the alcohol or...?" I trail off, feeling the heat rising in my cheeks.

Beau stiffens beside me but breaks out into his devilish, Cheshire Cat smile. "I hope it wasn't a one time thing," he nudges my knee, lower lip caught between his teeth. I blush deeper but don't say anything. Beau sighs and the smile fades from his face, "It wasn't the alcohol, Emma. Everything that happened... I wanted it to happen." He shrugs and his eyes seem to plead with me to drop the conversation. He's not used to talking about things like this, I assume. But the look in his eyes is enough of an answer for me.

Closer to You (Book One ✓)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora