Chapter 7

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By Wednesday of that week I was sweating bullets, I'd be lucky to finish school with a 3.0 GPA. My Biological Science class was even worse than Composition, I'd never been too good at science but the amount of terminology I was being required to learn by Dr. Akim was ridiculous. He was unrelenting in his expectations and I sat petrified of not capturing something vital he said in class. By the time class was over I had scribbled seven pages of notes, my index finger had a blister where I had violently gripped the pen, and I still did not understand what exactly circadian rhythm was. In short, I felt like hiding in the bathroom much like I had wanted to hide in the wet cardboard box when I was twelve. Just hide until this was all over.

But college did not stop for me, my fashion bag I had purchased at the mall was replaced with a giant messenger bag stuffed to be brim with books, notes, and notebooks. How was this all happening if I only had 4 classes? As I made my way to the Atrium, where everyone seemed to meet up between time schedules, I spotted Victor standing with non-other than Jon Ramirez, Tay's older brother. He had graduated a year ahead of us. Jon was thin but well formed, a lovely tanned color with hazel eyes, and a jokester personality. I remember a bunch of girls in high school thinking he was super cute but I didn't really see it, he was a little too silly for me.

My intention was to walk by unnoticed but that did not work when I heard Steven Miller call out to me. Steven had dated Mercy for a fast three months our sophomore year and it was the nicest breakup I ever saw anyone have. He was black with the most dazzling smile on a man, dimpled, and charming. So charming. He was not into any sports but he was a true social butterfly and was incredibly sweet. It would be very rude of me to ignore him when he'd been nothing but nice even when I wasn't considered to be worth anyone's time. Steven was apparently friends with Victor and Jon and I stopped on my tracks to greet them all.

"Hi!" I said.

Steven gave me a long friendly hug. "Becky-girl! You look taller!"

"Heels." I pointed to my wedges. I was a small mushroom person and heels were a necessity.

"Ahh." He nodded. "How you doing, how are the Patty Girls?"

"Good," I said. I glanced at Victor and Jon who were watching us. "Yara is in Tampa and Mercy and Rosalind are in Georgia."

"They left you all alone?" His tone was nothing but nice and truly curious.

I shrugged because I didn't want to think how lonely I had been since they had all left.

"You should hang with us," Steven said.

The instinctual need to say No almost overtook me until Jon stepped forward and extended his hand. The flirtatious smile on his face was not lost on me, all Ramirez's had the same look.

"Jonathan Ramirez," he said. "A pleasure, pleasure to meet you. You can call me Jon."

I raised a brow at him. "Hi Jon. I know you; I've been to your house. A few times."

"To my bed?" The innocence of such a face.

"No, it was occupied." I smiled sardonically at him.

Jon let out a laugh and I saw Victor look down but he was smiling and shaking his head.

"Don't mess with Becky-girl, she's going to be a lawyer one day," Victor said and pushed slightly at Jon with his shoulder as he came to stand with us.

"Becky-girl." Jon smiled at me.

"Or Becka, just Becka would be even better," I said. Carefully I shook his hand.

"Yeah, I remember you. You're friends with Yahaira Martinez, right?"

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