Chapter 29

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"Becka, it's your turn!" A girl called from the henna table.

I jumped out of my chair and Victor was staring up at me, confused. "I'm coming! Let's turn these back in!"

I was dragging Victor to the drama table like a lunatic, my heart pounding, sweat collecting down my back.

"Here, we're done with these!" I shoved the shackles at Keith's face and he raised a brow staring at the both of us.

"You untangled them," Keith said.

"Yeah," Victor said.

Keith looked at me. "Didn't you say –"

"I said nothing!" I snarled and Keith stumbled back, petrified.

Victor was staring at me in utter confusion and I admitted to myself that I was completely nonsensical.

"I'm getting my henna done, thank you so much for bringing all the props to the event," I said and looked to Victor but not his eyes, never his eyes. He would know if I met his eyes. My irises were heart-shaped and a blind person could see I was in love with him.

"I'll see you later," I said.

Victor did not leave.

My back was stiff, and my eyes were connected like a life-line to Adia who was making the most beautiful patterns on my hands. Victor had planted himself next to me, slid down on the chair, his legs spread open, casual about the whole thing. Despite clearly listening to his stomach rumble loudly, demanding food.

"Just go get something to eat," I said.

"I'm fine, I'll wait."

Why did he have to be so wonderful? Why? Why were his eyes so beautiful? All soft brown, vulnerable and warm? Oh god, I was getting poetic. This had to be controlled. I had to get a hold of myself. My hands started shaking.

"I'm almost done," Adia said thinking I shook because of keeping my hand still. Little did she know I had just realized the most monumental truth of my life and I was falling the heck apart.

"How long is this supposed to last?" Victor asked, leaning forward and looking at my hand over my shoulder. His breath fleshed goosebumps on my neck and I sucked in a breath, willing myself not to move.

"It begins fading after a week," Adia looked up at us.

Victor made a noncommittal grunt and his stomach sounded again.

"Please go get some food, I'm afraid you'll eat me if you wait too long." Crap that sounded sexual.

He chuckled and looked at me and I refused to stare at him because his face was by my face and if I turned to look at him, we would be an inch from kissing and I clearly could not be trusted. My neck flushed and I shifted in my chair. Shifted away from him. An inch. I could breathe better.

"You OK?" he asked and his breath sounded in my ear.


Liar. Such a fucking liar. I was four minutes from climbing on his lap, assaulting his mouth and confessing all my love and devotion for all of time. Adia looked up at us with a raised brow and I blinked away from her eyes.

"How long have you been doing this?" I asked. Change the subject or I would vomit.

I listened with rapt attention as Adia explained how she'd learned henna from her mother and aunts and Victor sat back allowing me to breathe easier. Then his foot landed on the back of my chair, pushing at my butt each time he thought something Adia said was funny. How long had we been like this? Touching each other in a nonchalant manner? How many people had noticed? Was everyone aware of it but us? Was Victor aware of it? I could not breathe and finally, Adia finished.

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