Chapter fifteen

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What the hell is wrong with you?" "You're a sad excuse for a man" "who the hell raised you? Because no one in our family acts like you" "You disgust me"
"You're a disappointment" "Get out now!"

At once Benji wakes up. It was just another normal day. He had his routines that he always follows. Wake up at 5 am go for a run then come home and shower and get ready. Always the right sock first and then the rest of the outfit. Get breakfast by 6:30 am then read the Bible and do some homework and then head to school. But was different. He came out yesterday to his brothers. The memory still sits sharp in his mind. They all sat down around Benji as he cried and they talked and talked and talked. They accepted him. They said they still love him no matter what his sexuality is. And that everything is gonna be okay. I guess it has to be okay right? Benji thought to himself.

"Goodmorning Benji how are you champ?" Daniel said as he poured a glass of orange juice up to his younger brother. "Good, you? Did you sleep well?" Benji asked as if it was any other day...but it wasn't...was it Benji?

"Yeah I'm good and I actually slept really well so thank god for that. Hey are you going to practice today? It's Monday" Daniel asked. "That's nice and Umm yeah" Benji answers back looking down. He wasn't ashamed to be who he was, he was relieved but somehow it felt like he had to be ashamed about it anyways. "That sounds good! Now eat up I have to hop in the shower!" Daniel yelled out. "Where's mommy?" Benji asked surprised himself for using the word mommy. "Mom got paged for a huge tumor removal and dad just got home from his 16 hour shift so he's knocked out" Daniel yelled back as he went of. He didn't notice me saying mommy? Or does he think he needs to be soft with me just because I came out? This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. I ate my breakfast and went to study the Bible. When I was on the way to my room I heard a...sob? What the hell. I walked closer to the sob,'s Emily. She's always crying gosh can she be quiet. I know I might seem like a bad brother but she can be so annoying at times and she thinks she's better than everybody else, and she definitely stole my whole personality. I decided to go in there to shut her up.
"Hey Emily" I whispered. "" Emily led out scared. "You know that you're a little bitch right? I'd be so much happier if you were dead everyone would so go fuck yourself you disgusting fat whore oh and shut the fuck up I can hear you crying next door and you don't want me to get Stiles on your back do you?" I said as I got closer to her. "N-o-o-o sorry" she stuttered out pathetic littel girl. "And let me get one thing straight none of us like you, you might as well just kill yourself" I said felling so empowered and powerful as I hit her right in the eye. Oh yeah that hit good. It's what she deserves.

"Hey Can I drive with you Ethan? I don't feel like driving I had a little bit to drink last night" I asked Ethan. "Uh yeah I'm leavinf right now actually" Ethan said. "Okay I'm ready to go just let me put my shoes on" I said as I ran to the shoes. "I'll be in the car" Ethan yelled as he went outside.

We were sitting in silence but not in a awkward silence it was just a nice silence. The nature truly is beautiful, I find myself being really fascinated about it. That's kinda weird isn't this like nerdy stuff? What the hell snap out of
It. "Hey Ethan, what do you think happens when you die?" I asked totally unfazed. "That's a bizarre question, are you okay? Ahah" Ethan said jokingly back. I pulled a fake smile on, just to not make him uncomfortable. Because if Ethan gets uncomfortable he will be uncomfortable with you the whole day. "Yeah but like for real what do you think?" I ask with a fake smile. "Well I don't know I hope that there's a heaven the thought of heaven comforts me, and don't say that it's some simp shut cause a man gotta believe in something to keep going. But when I was Emily's age I believed that there's just gonna be a black hole and nothing else, and a lot of other  kids thought that too, in my time." Ethan Said. "Yeah I guess" I said as I drifted off.

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