8. What About A Kiss

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'Tick tock Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick... ' my brain sings with the Clock placed on the wall where everyone could see, I was in my own cubicle waiting for my doom, I actually wanted time to stop or better just die.
It's almost 5 but some employees shift ended hours ago leaving few workers at the company at least I have company.

"Attention All Employees are Requested to exit the building before 5, please oblige thank you.. " I could hear Cindy Voice through the Intercom that vibrated across the office as everyone stop their task they were doing, packing up and ready to sign off.
It makes me think I'm an employee too right??
So I'm privileged to Join them
So what am I waiting for I'm getting the Fuck out of here.
I arranged my files getting ready to sign off until the intercom turned on again.

"Erhm Emilia Campbell Mr Ben request you are made avialable at his office immediately.. " well that goes my hope of escaping I'm so dead, I should have signed off a long time ago.

I'm buying an Alarm Clock for Sure if I survive.

I gulped hard, what's going to be my lesson today from the Looks of Ben Smug Grin earlier he has plans for me.
I'm sure he made me work overtime because he wants me to suffer.
How come I'm the only one he gives overtime out of all the loyal employees under his nose.
Come to think of it why hasn't he just fired me it's strange he keeps me on board what ever the reason is it's only known to him.

I can't help to think about Amira was she a Victim too of his mind games what baffles me more is that they were engaged and the next thing she's declared missing definitely Ben and Liam is Hiding something and probably some of the employees knows about it.

I stride myself over to Ben's office at first I froze it's strange I'm afraid but I should be because he's a killer and probably a Cultist.

I gasp out a huge breath letting myself in, Ben stood his hands behind him as he always stare at his glass window revealing the Whole City it was kinda beautiful to Look at though.

The Moment I stepped in I couldn't find my voice, I remained mute waiting for his command or at least for him to break the unbearable silence.

"I gave you one Job and again you Blew it Emilia and why?? " I didn't know what to say, the way he Spoke was Cunning and Mischievous I stood firm to the ground bracing myself for what he had in stock for me.

"You Can't Talk?? " He Spat bewildered as he turned flashing me a wicked grin as a Glimpse of Evil spark in his eyes I could see it.

I Felt intimidated but Kept quiet I don't want to end up the way Amira and those other girls ended so my best choice is to Zip it and let him talk.

He made his way towards me I just gawked at him as he again licked his lips Seductively I just Looked down avoiding eye contact.

His eyes darted to my skimpy short skirt my legs twitch in motion as I tried drawing the abomination of a Skirt down as my cheeks heat up.

"You Know not only do you come late but also you Seduce my employees ... " I nearly choked on his words
'What the hell' I gasped in my thoughts wondering what he was talking about.

"Excuse me?? " I asked Flustered and confused as he Cocked on his Smug grin.

"Your Skirt is Shorter than it Should be it distracts male employees from finishing their Job and including the CEO.. " my eyes widened in shock my face may never return to its normal color as my face blossomed red.

"Why are you Red Emilia?? " He said still putting on a smug grin, my heart beat faster than ever as I try to get him out of my head having no answer to his question, I looked down at his Torso an aid of distraction.

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