5. Dreams, Sweet Moments, And Explosions

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I saw Michael again when I woke up in the middle of the night; I woke to the feeling that there was someone or something watching me. I sat up my bed only to see him sitting on my bed facing my window; his back was to me and he was wearing all black. I felt confused, because every other time I felt him there, I wouldn't actually wake up, but I knew he was a there. I wasn't sure if I should say something. There was only one question running through my head though. Why?

I stared at his back, waiting, because I know that he knows I'm awake. He sighs and stands to his feet and I finally get the guts to speak. "Michael?"

He faces me and his eyes are bright, like he just had an adrenaline rush, and he looks as if he showered not too long ago. I take a deep breath, "Hey."

He slips his shoes off and slips into bed with me, "Did you enjoy your girl day with Ivy?" He couldn't have known. Unless, he was there.

"Yes," I reply. "How'd you know we were out?"

He shrugs, "I saw you while I was out." Ivy saw him. He must have been doing something to make her yell out like that.

My blood ran cold and I felt nervous, there was something he was hiding and nothing felt right. I didn't answer him. How could I? He only tells me things when he wants to, and I feel pretty special when opens up to me, because he doesn't seem like the type to get close to people very quickly.

My back to his chest and his arms around me is probably my favorite thing we do when we're together. When we talk though, things get emotionally intense, because we seem to become vulnerable in the each other's presence. I think I'm never going to want this with anyone other than Michael.


Two days later, my brother mentioned that he was going to a baby shower for Eve's sister next weekend and that I was invited, so I was going to go so her family could meet me. Eve and Seth were slowly getting more and more serious, and I had a feeling he was going to propose to her either on Christmas eve, day, or maybe even new years.

It'd been a couple of days since Michael came over while I was sleeping, I've been thinking about him constantly. Its like he never leaves my mind. I was also becoming even more suspicious of him, and even Ivy. She wasn't much for coming over since our girl day. I guess you could say I was worried and confused. I yearned to just be near Michael. He was magnetic, and my attraction for him was growing.

My thoughts tend to run wild when I'm alone; I think and think. As I lay on the couch, my eyes are feeling droopy. It's been a while since I actually slept well.

Haunting eyes watching me from the scariest part of the house; my brother, Ivy, my mom, my dad, and even Kiana. Ivy looks at me, screaming; they're all screaming, but no sound comes out. It's so strange; I can see all of them, but I can only see eyes in the scary part of the house. I feel fearful, but I don't know why.

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